love in the conservatory

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"Yeah, those brown eyes," I whispered in confidentiality to my friend.

" What are you talking about they're blue."She whispered back.

" No brown." My eyes slid over to the other boy who in fact had blue eyes. "Oh, you're right blue."

" all right students would you all please find a partner for today's project and keep in mind it must be someone who does not attend your school. We want you all to get acquainted."A man and a tweed jacket and wire-rimmed glasses announces. he's clearly going to be one of our professors tonight.

Simultaneously Eliza and I walk toward the gentleman we were covertly staring at. I having more gumption than Eliza, speak first. Addressing the handsome boy in blue I say "How do you do I am Princess Amber. And this is my friend lady Eliza. We're in search of Roguishly handsome partners for tonight's project."

"Well if you want rogueishly handsome you'll have to look elsewhere. But if you are in need of a brilliant brain then I'm your guy."The guy in blue Taps his temple with his finger.

"Speak for yourself, mate."The boy in the pinstripe jacket extends his hand to Eliza. "The roguishly handsome count Fitzgerald at your service."Eliza giggles. She breaks eye contact with the handsome stranger for a moment to give me a look of excited dismay. I watch my friend and the boy walk away to find their seats for the lecture.

I Shrugged my shoulders and resume my conversation with the boy in blue" A big brain is always more attractive than a handsome face. Although I am inclined to believe that you possess both."

"T-Thanks." The boy stiffens a profuse blush spreading across his cheeks. After taking a moment to compose himself the boy bows slightly. A practiced motion of royal etiquette. " it would be my honor to be your partner tonight."

For all his gusto and etiquette the boy has neglected to tell me his name. I sit with the mystery boy in the lecture. He even lent me his pencil so I could take notes on the atmosphere of Jupiter.

Hours later when the night has fallen I follow the boy to a small telescope in the corner.

" shouldn't we use one of the bigger ones?" I asked puzzled. wouldn't it be easier to find if we had a bigger field of vision?

" Maybe. But I set this one up hours ago. I made sure it was in the correct position, already focused on Jupiter."

You're efficient aren't you I think to myself. I've been down to take a look through the telescope and sure enough, Jupiter is clearly Within sight.

"My stepping away from the telescope I look at the worksheet. "You'll have to fill in the first few questions I don't know the answers. They're all about the angle of the telescope and how long it took us to find the planet."

The scrap of paper that is our homework doesn't seem very important we finish it within a few minutes and spend the rest of the night discussing astronomy and shockingly other things too. Music and enchanted gardening. I even find myself telling him all about the disaster I caused at the Tea Party last month when I knocked over the tray of tea cakes.

"I'm normally not that clumsy. You should have seen the duchess of Corduroy's face"

"Covered in cake I'm sure." The boy tilts his head back and laughs reminding me of someone.

"The front of her dress too," I say through a smirk remembering the enraged duchess.

My teacher's voice calls out breaking into our fun. " students is time to hand in your papers. ever realm Academy please line up at the door when you're finished."

"Oh, it's over already?"The boy lowers his head in a way that reminds me of a sad puppy dog.

" I really liked spending time with you." I stare up at him feeling with my fingers feeling unexplainably nervous.

" Yeah, it was nice to see you again Amber."The boys' eyes are off to the side but there's a soft blush painted across his face.

the strange thought interrupts the peaceful moment and before I can retract it words tumble out of my mouth." Again? What do you mean again? Have we met before?"

"Oh I thought you recognized me, I thought that's why you invited me to be your partner."The boy's shoulders goes rigid. His smile has an air of uncomfortably now.

My cheeks flame in embarrassment how could I have forgotten this boy? There's no way I could have encountered him before. I would have remembered those eyes." I'm sorry. Um no."Are the words that awkwardly eek out of my mouth. All gusto and confidence were far out of sight for the moment.

"I'm De-" As the boy starts to say his name I look into his eyes again and who he is hits me like a hurricane.

"Desmond, of course, you are. I'm so sorry."Every alarm bell in my head is blaring right now how could I have screwed up so terribly. You've done it now Amber.

Hoping to make amends I lean on my Royal charms."Believe me when I say I am properly mortified. Please forgive me."ICourtesy deeply. When I again rise to my full height I extend my hand. "I'm delighted to again make your acquaintance."Desmond gently shakes my hand. He smiles at me. Its a small but I know I'm forgiven.

Still clasping my right hand Desmond reaches out to take the paper out of my left hand. Setting it on the small standing table next to the telescope he picks up his pencil and writes his name. "Desmond. So you won't forget it." he starts to walk away but pauses briefly to wink at me. " I'll turn it in, you go rejoin your classmates. Until we meet again princess."

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