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Pete's POV:

As the days progressed, I found myself growing fat but Ae would always say that am turning chubby rather than fat. It was already 5 months and we finally got to know the gender, it's a boy!! Ae was a little sad because he was expecting a girl rather than boy.

But as they say, things comes with advantages and disadvantages, I was now seeing the other side. After morning sickness and mood swings, now the challenge was my weight and my clothes. The normal clothes no longer fitted me so we had to go shopping to buy new ones. And the little bump was already getting visible and I had a hard time with walking around and doing things normally.

I was slowly getting annoyed of getting up after having sat in a place for a while. And then, my legs too started to get swollen around the ankle. Ae was concerned about the changes and consulted the doctor who told him that it was because of the weight. And then, all Ae did was carrying me around the house so that I won't have much trouble and also not much stuff to complain about.

Today, I was a little moody because of the weather. It had been cloudy whole day and I was sweating like a pig. And poor Tin was rushing around the house getting me water and juice and all. Till the time Ae returned back, Tin was already exhausted and dragging himself around which got me concerned whether he was going to survive or not. When Ae finally arrived, he saw me sitting in the living room with a tub of ice-cream while Tin lay on the couch almost lifeless.

"What happened to him?" Can asked stepping forward and checking on Tin. "I think dehydration??" I replied innocently. "I.... I am tired..." Tin groaned. "Tin!! Enough already! Get up and get fresh. I have already bought the food on my way so you won't have to cook today!" Can declared.

"Really?!!" The next moment I saw Tin sitting up and looking at Can in delight. "Weren't you dying just now?" Can asked while folding his hands against his chest and narrowing his eyes on Tin. "My angel!!! You just saved my day and brought me back to life..." Tin tried to butter up.

"Just because you want to skip your duty, you did this and then you were saying that I am going to be the drama queen when I will be pregnant. Who is going to believe you Tin?" Can accused. "It's just... I am tired!! I had so many clothes to wash, besides you told me to clean the whole house and also to change the bed sheets and all. It's a lot of work you know?" Tin replied.

"You guys can continue to fight; I am taking my husband home because I don't want him to witness the brutal battle. It wouldn't be good for my kid." Ae said as he gently scooped me in his arms. I wrapped my arms around his nape while smiling in content. Finally... Something that I would like. Tin helped Ae carry my stuff out of the house and place in the car. I said my good bye as the car drove away. From the side mirror, I can see both of them still bickering and then Tin ran inside followed by Can.

After arriving home, Ae prepared the dinner and fed me before going to bed. He said that he had some important work so he would be in office and asked me to sleep. I agreed like an obedient child and I honestly tried to get some rest but no, my hormones were another problem because suddenly I started to feel hot. I moved to sit up hoping Ae would come anytime soon but there was no sign of him. Looking around the place, I finally decided of taking my chance into trying something. I headed inside the closet while getting rid of my clothes and then scanned for Ae's clothes till I found his over-sized shirt.

Grinning from ear to ear, I grabbed it and quickly wore letting the top two buttons remain open. Then I slowly walked out of the closet and then the bedroom heading downstairs. I was careful while descending the steps in order to not lose my balance. Finally, I safely reached the base and then moved towards the office to check for Ae.

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