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Ae's POV:

"A-Ae...." he stammered while calling me. "Love...." I said while looking at his face. There he was, finally standing in front of me. I can see that he has developed eye bags which meant he haven't slept well. "These are for you..." I said while handing over the flowers to him. He took them quietly and then looked down at his feet. He was still contemplating with something and I can clearly see it through his wary expression.

"Love, please sit down. I don't want you to stress yourself." I said while trying to gain his attention. He looked at me blinking his eyes few times. I always found this gesture of him really cute. He would do it more often when he was confused or when he would be thinking about something deeply. He just nodded and sat down on bed while placing the bouquet on the night table. I knelt down in front of him and held his hands in mine. I needed to talk to him and assure him that everything was fine.

"A-Ae... I... Err... I... I want t-to tell you som-something..." he said. He was still worried. "I know... I am going to be father. Right?" I completed the sentence for him. I can see his eyes grow wide when I said it straight. "A-Ae...?" he had that confused expression on his face as he left the sentence uncompleted. "I just had a doubt about it. When you brought up the topic that day and then suddenly you decided of visiting your parents. And when I came here, mae told me that you are expecting." I replied.

I had to be very cautious while choosing words to speak because I was scared that he might misunderstand. So, instead of saying that he was pregnant, I chose to say that I was going to be a father. The main reason behind all this was because I wanted him to believe in me and have faith in me. I knew he was going through a very delicate situation and it needed to be handled with care. "I am sorry... I.... I don't know.... It happened so suddenly... I didn't... I didn't do it on purpose..." he tried to explain while sobbing. I can see how much he was trying to hold back from bursting into tears. "It's alright love... I know... It's not something we planned. But we can accept it and go with it. You don't have to be the one to deal with everything. I am your husband and I am equally responsible for it." I said.

And then, he broke down in tears and began to cry while hugging me. Every time he tried to speak, there would be hiccups and he was having a very hard time to saying something. I tried to calm him down and soothe his breathing. I didn't want him to get suffocated. He was still crying like a baby, apologizing to me over and over again for having behaved this way. But this was not his fault, even though I was not planning for kids, I was still aware about the changes a body goes through while accepting the new life. And I knew that my baby was going through lot many emotional conflicts right now.

"Love, you should stop crying. Our baby wouldn't like to see you being sad and worried. Also, you are troubling our baby by crying and stressing out. You know that you should stay happy and cheerful. Right?" I tried to coax him. "A-Ae... I.... I am so bad... I-I didn't tell you about it..." he said in a guilty tone. "Shhh... It's already past now. I know about the child and now I am here with you. Let's forget it and move ahead with hand in hand. I don't want to see you sad like this." I tried to pacify.

I gently cupped his cheeks and wiped off the tears that have been staining his face. He looked a cute mess right now and I loved him no matter what. After having spoken for another 30 minutes, we were finally able to clear the misunderstanding between us. And then, Pete agreed on returning home with me.

As we walked out of the bedroom, I can see my mother-in-law arranging the snacks and drinks for us. Pete's eyes were glued to the glass of orange juice and I immediately knew that he wanted it. Without wasting any time, I picked up the glass and handed it to him. He looked at me while blinking the eyes with questioning look. "I know you want it. Just drink..." I said while encouraging him.

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