Business trip

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We stayed at the mansion for a day before finally returning back to our apartment on Sunday eve. Mae was insistent on asking us to stay for another day and leave in morning but since we haven't got the stuff and Ae's meeting was lined up and his important documents were left at the apartment, we had no other option than leaving on the Sunday eve. But I promised her to visit soon.

We arrived back at apartment and I headed to get fresh while Ae moved to the study room to prepare his document for the next meeting. When I arrived at the top of stairs after getting fresh, I noticed Ae talking on the phone. I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I heard him say 'leave tomorrow' a bit loudly. I was a bit curious so I kept listening to the conversation and soon it dawned on me that he was going to leave tomorrow for some important work. But I was not aware about the exact thing.

I descended the steps and moved towards the kitchen to prepare dinner. But before that I decided of preparing some coffee for us. As I was busy preparing the coffee, I felt his presence behind me. I turned around to face him and wrapped my arms around his nape. I could see the conflicted expression on his face which gave me the vibes of something was wrong. He wasn't someone whose emotions would get affected by small small things.

"Is everything fine?" I asked with a bit of worry. "Err... I have to go out of town for a week. One of our branch needs assistance with a site and my company is thinking of sending me there to do the inspection and see what can be done. I was requesting them to send someone else in my place but they said that there have been three more people who visited the site but couldn't come up with any solution. They think I am their only option to help them to deal with it. So.... I have to go." He explained. That left me completely heartbroken because I wasn't expecting it.

"And when are you leaving?" I asked a little disappointed. "Tomorrow.... Morning..." he informed. I didn't know what to say and felt my eyes getting filled with tears. I tried not to look at him since it would give away all my feelings. "O-okay... Alright... I will pack the clothes and everything for you." I said while pulling away and moving towards the door.

But the next moment, he caught my hand and pulled me back into his arms. He hugged me tightly squeezing me against himself. "I don't want to go..." he admitted. It was the point that I felt more hurt and my hands clutched onto his t-shirt and I let the tears flow. I was so emotional right now that I felt like my heart was getting pierced with millions of knives. I didn't want him to leave either. I didn't want to stay away from him.

"I have spoken to the head and informed him that I would leave soon after the inspection and submit the report after returning. I am not gonna wait for an entire week. I will try to return as soon as possible." He cleared. "Please come back soon.... I am going to miss you." I confessed. "I will miss you too." He replied. I buried my face in his chest while letting out my emotions. He hugged me even tighter now.

I know it's going to be difficult to spend a day without him but I have to be mentally prepared for this. I was also aware that if he stayed back, it will prevent him from doing something that he wants to do. He had been devoted to work right from the start and was always looking for challenging opportunities. That's the reason he was promoted to such high position so soon. And his mother had also told me about his passion for this work. So I didn't want to be a hurdle in his progress.

"I wanted to take you along but since there are exams going on, I know you wouldn't get leave. That's why I told them that I would be leaving as soon as possible." He explained. "Umm... I will try to keep myself busy. I will go to see mae or will try to spend time with Tin and all." I said. "Please keep yourself occupied. I am a bit worried at the thought of leaving you alone. I will talk to Tin so that he will pick you up in the morning and drop you back after the work. I don't want you to travel alone. You can invite them to out apartment to spend some time." He suggested. "I'll think over it." I replied.

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