At my in-law's house!!

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We had a very warm welcome from my in-laws and I felt more confident being in the mansion. My mother-in-law showed me around the place telling me about each and every detail before finally we arrived at Ae's bedroom.

She walked away leaving me to explore the room on my own. It was spacious, with a big king size bed placed in the middle, a couch placed at the corner with a round tea table that had a vase containing red roses over it. There was a door on the opposite side of the French window. I stepped in carefully taking in the view. Ae’s bedroom here was more bigger than the one at apartment!! While looking around, I pushed open the other door which revealed to me another room which had an intimate sitting arrangement and two doors on either side. I walked closer to check one of the door. It was a slider so I pushed it aside and to my surprise it was a huge closet that I had ever seen. There were so many clothes hanging around!! I couldn’t help but explore it checking out each and everything owned by my husband. I was then curious about the other door and moved to check it. I pushed open the door which revealed to me a well designed washroom. It was the one that I always admired when I saw it in some magazines. For me, it was a luxury which I can’t afford. But now, it was like a dream come true!!!

The interior was a reflection of luxury and modern design. My eyes trailed over each and every detail taking in the geometric shapes of the basin to the stylish bathtub. The partition was entirely of glass which offered the clear view of inside. I moved to splash some water on my face and dried it up with aid of a towel before walking out. I felt much better and refreshed.

After getting fresh, I walked out of the bathroom returning back to the bedroom. I planned of taking some rest but then, the French window looked more interesting. I moved closer to the window to look out and then I was mesmerised with the view. I could see the mountains at some distance, covered with a thick layer of trees, the clouds adorning around covering up the mountain tops. It was a vast stretch of beautiful forest that one couldn’t get enough of view.

I closed my eyes, breathing in the clear fresh air and filling my lungs with it. I let out a deep exhale before moving to turn around. But I was caught by surprise when I was pinned to the wall aggressively and my nape was held in a strong grip while my waist was held firmly and lips sealed in a passionate kiss. I was attacked!! Then the smell of my husband’s perfume flooded in, filling up my nostrils. I sighed, melting into his arms and wrapping my arms around his back. Why does he always kiss the air out of my lungs?? Is it necessary to make me dizzy??

When he finally pulled away, I was left panting but he wasn’t satisfied. His lips moved to my neck, kissing and sucking my skin, probably marking it. “A-Ae… Stop…. Someone might come in…” I tried to warn. “No one is coming in without my permission. Just keep quiet and let me enjoy my snacks.” He replied while placing his index finger over my lips and hushing me.

I felt my body tingle with sensation when he slid his hand down and grabbed my butt cheeks. He squeezed them pulling out a soft moan from me. Oh!!! I am worried…. What if my voice is heard outside??? I quickly covered my mouth to muffle the moan while Ae continued to nibble on my neck. His hand slid inside my t-shirt and began to caress the skin making my body shiver.

He brought his hand up and began to unbutton my shirt and pulled it off my shoulder baring my skin to his eyes. He immediately latched onto my exposed skin marking it and making me go weak in knees. I just arrived at my new house and here is my husband not leaving a single chance in devouring me. This feeling was slowly getting unbearable and it was getting difficult to muffle my moans.

I burried my face in his neck while I clutched onto his shirt tightly. I can’t anymore……


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