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What I thought to be brilliant idea turned out to be one of the stupidest ones and I realized my mistake when I stepped into the apartment after Tin had dropped me off. The elevator ride was like dragging myself to work on Monday. And when I opened the door of the apartment, it didn't have any happy aura as it had earlier.

Sighing heavily, I tossed the keys in the bowl while I closed the door shut and locked it before moving towards the kitchen to pour myself some water. Everything was just like how it was when I had left. After drinking water, I made my way upstairs to change the clothes. Thankfully, I ate at the restaurant before coming otherwise I would skipped the meal.

I changed into comfy clothes before walking out of the walk in closet and flopping down on bed. Ae haven't called me today. All I received was a good morning message from him and later on when I called, he said that he was busy with the survey and will call me in evening.

I spared a glance at the clock that showed 3.15 pm. I was feeling a little drained off so I lay down on bed. I should be considered as one of the stupidest person because I chose the wrong time to come back to the apartment. The exams ended today and tomorrow we were having holiday and then again, Saturday and Sunday, two more days added to the list and I will have to survive all these days without Ae. Oh my poor heart!! How am I even going to do it?

As I lay on bed, I slowly felt into slumber and drifted away to dreamland. And out of all, I only dreamt about the cheesy pizza. That smell.... I felt it so real. Like I was being surrounded by the pizza and the smell was slowly filling my senses. My mouth was watering already and I reached up my hand to grab a slice. But then, it moved away. I stepped forward and I could see it going away. I kept following it until I suddenly swirled around and was woken up.

I sat up on bed while looking at the surrounding. Oh.... My pizza!!!! But then, I was still able to smell it. How is it possible? I looked at the place only to find no trace of pizza. Groaning in annoyance, I left the bed and climbed out of it and then moved towards the door. I looked at the watch which indicated 4.45 pm. I slept for quite long.

As I walked out of the room, I felt like the smell of pizza was getting stronger. I descended the steps and then heard some sound coming out of the kitchen. Oh my god!! Is there a thief inside? Did I forget to lock the door?

I looked around and saw a porcelain vase placed on the tea table. I grabbed it and then tiptoed towards the kitchen to look for the intruder. I hid at the door and carefully peeped inside to see a shadow of someone moving. Damn it!!! I should have been careful.

I held the vase in a tight grip while planning of attacking the person. I took a step forward and then another step all ready in order to launch my attack when I saw a familiar figure. No way in hell is he here!!! But my doubt was confirmed when he turned around.

The vase I held in my hand dropped to the ground and I rushed towards him while squealing in joy. No time to waste as I jumped on him wrapping my arms and legs around him like an octopus while peppering his face with kisses. He held me in a strong grip while he let out a throaty laugh.

"I missed you I missed you I missed you!!" I kept repeating as I abused his face with shower of kisses. When the excitement slowly faded away, I stopped and pulled away little to look at his face. "Have you been missing me so much?" he asked.

"Don't even ask!! I didn't know what I was going to do without you for the following three days." I confessed. "Tin had informed me about it so I hurried to finish my work in order to return back." He said. I smiled while resting my head on his shoulder while still letting him hold me. I was now acting like a small kid who wanted all the attention of his mother.

"Ae... You know... I felt so sad when you were away. I didn't even know what to do without you. And the people over here are not helping at all. Can was teasing me so much!!" I began to complain. "Don't worry love... I took the revenge. I already traded the secret with Tin in return for your schedule. He told me that you were having off on Friday so I winded up early and rushed back." Ae replied.

Love begins with you (Mpreg)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant