Convincing my hubby

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When I woke up the next morning, Ae had wrapped his arms and legs around me like an octopus preventing me from moving. I had to peel off myself carefully before climbing out of the bed so that he wouldn't wake up.

I quickly got fresh and headed downstairs to prepare the breakfast and lunch for both of us. I managed to pack the lunch box for Ae before heading out to wake him up. I had just reached the base of the stairs when he appeared at the top all dressed up and ready for office. He gave me a warm smile as he begin to descend the steps taking one step at a time.

When he finally reached the base of the stairs, he stood in front of me and inquired, “Did you finish cooking?” “Khrab… I just winded up… Going to change….” I replied. “I’ll be waiting for you at the dining table… hurry up.” He said. I nodded and quickly ran upstairs to change. I didn’t waste much time because he needed to reach his office and since he was dropping me at the school, he might get stuck in the traffic. I quickly got dressed and rushed downstairs heading towards the dining room.

We were slowly falling into routine, everyday I will wake up and prepare breakfast for us and lunch box for him and then he will drop me off to school before heading for work. Then again, after school, Tin will be dropping me off at the apartment complex and I will be spending my time indulging in some activities or watching TV. Ae was punctual enough to reach back home exactly at 5:30 PM. Sometimes, he will bring me gifts like chocolates and flowers, sometimes he will take me out to watch movies or would  have a dinner in a restaurant or maybe just outing to spend some time together.

I didn’t even realize when one month was already over. And since the exams were approaching, I was very busy with the work. These days Ae too seemed busy because after coming home he was seen sitting in his office and doing his work. He was working on an important project which was near due. His company had invested a lot in this project and Ae was their only hope. Since he had been transferred to this branch, they saw a great progress with all the projects that were pending for quite some time. But even though he had to take care of so many things, he never lessened his time for me.

These days since he was busy with work, I would be spending my time reading some novels or trying to prepare something new in kitchen. I had been a little curious about baking so that's what kept me busy all this time. Sometimes, Ae would walk into the kitchen to the aroma of cakes being baked.

It had been a while since we had been staying at the apartment so I thought of visiting his parent at this weekend. Also, his mother had called me yesterday asking me, when we will be coming for a visit. I didn’t know what to say and finally ended up promising her that  we will visit them this weekend. I still had to talk to Ae about this but I knew very well he won’t deny it.

So, in order to make Ae happy and also convince him to go to his parent's house this weekend so I decided of making his favorite cookies. And it was going to take me a while to get it done but it was worth the effort since I knew Ae liked them a lot. I begin to sift the flour that was needed to knead the dough. Cocoa powder, nuts and other ingredients were already kept ready. I checked on the watch that indicated it was just 3:30 PM which meant I still had two hours to get it done. My only priority was to get it ready because  baking will be done later on.

It was around 5:00 PM that I finish preparing the cookies and the only thing left now was to bake them. I began to clear the mess I had created in the kitchen especially with the flour and water. It took me around 15 minutes to thoroughly clean the place and now it was time to bake the cookies. I placed the tray containing cookies in the oven which was preheated to the desired temperature.  I let them bake while I hurried to clean myself up because I too look like a complete mess.

After I was done cleaning up myself I headed downstairs to check on the cookies and the oven had already gone off after the timer. I opened the door and pulled out the tray to check the cookies which were perfectly baked. I smiled satisfied at my own work. I waited for a while to see if the cookie were warm enough to eat and tasted it to make sure that I haven’t made any mistake. As expected the results were good and now the only thing left was for it to return home.

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