Annoyed because my husband is away??

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Ae left soon after and I felt like something was missing. Tin arrived to pick me up at the apartment and I literally dragged myself all the way to the elevator and then the parking lot. I don't know how to describe my feelings, all I could say is that I feel broken.

Tin drove towards the school with all the unsuccessful attempts in cheering me up. I wasn't interested in anything other than seeing the person whom I loved so much. Just few hours after he left and I am already being depressed. I don't think this is healthy in anyway. And if Ae comes to know about my mood, he will surely leave everything behind and rush back.

I tried to put on a fake smile while greeting everyone and the whole day seemed to drag. Finally, when the working hours ended, I silently walked out of the staff room following Tin to his car. I made myself comfortable in the passenger seat while waiting for Tin to start the engine.

"Alright, we need to talk!" Tin declared. I didn't budge to look at him. "Pete, I am serious." He said in a sharp tone which made it clear that he wasn't going to give up. "Tin, drop me back home." I argued. "NO!! Not until I have a word with you." He declared.

I sat in the seat with my hands folded against my chest and pouting in anger. "Pete, please have a look at yourself in mirror. Do you think no one will notice that your mood is off?" he asked. "What should I do? Ae left me." I said.

"You are complaining as if he went with someone else. Be real Pete, he went for some work and he wouldn't have gone if it was not important. And here is the thing he told me, 'make sure that Pete is happy'. How in the hell am I going to tell him that you are happy if you keep pouting?" he said. "What should I do? I miss him so bad!!" I stated.

"Pete, I know you miss him and he will be missing you too. But it's important for you to understand that this is part of your life. It's not that everything is going to go as you want. Like you, he is working too. He has aims and ambitions. Do you want him to leave everything behind just because you cannot stay a day without him? Would you like it if he drops everything and come back to you right now? Will that make you happy?" Tin asked. I knew that I was being too much emotional but I didn't know how to control it.

"Tin... I-I... I didn't..." I began to cry the very next moment. Tin pulled me in a hug and tried to calm me down. "Pete, you are not a kid anymore. You are married and having a husband. And soon, you might be having a family of your own. You should learn to control your emotions and not behave like this. This is not right. You are not only ruining everything for yourself but also for him. You know, Ae had strictly ordered us to look after you and make sure that you are happy. But if you keep crying like this, what are we supposed to tell him?" Tin was trying to coax me.

"I miss him Tin... I miss him so bad..." I confessed. "I know dear... That's why I am here. How about coming to my place today? Can also want to spend sometime with you. We can go out in eve... May be go to beach to have some great time?" Tin offered. The suggestion looked tempting and lifted my spirit a little. I nodded in agreement and finally pulled away.

"That's like a good boy!!" Tin said while pinching my nose and wiping off my tears. "Let's get going. You need to eat something first." He said. And soon, he was driving in the direction of our favorite restaurant.

We had lunch before we proceeded to his apartment. I have been there many times but recently, I didn't have any time to go there since I was already busy with my married life. Tin parked his car in the parking lot and I stepped out heading towards the entrance. People staying here knew me since I had been visiting Tin a lot before marriage. It was usually to go out or spend some time watching movie. He was my only friend since childhood and my bestie whom my parents trusted a lot.

When I finally stepped into his apartment, I felt something different. Everything that I have known earlier was gone and now replaced with other stuff. Our big screen with the big comfy sofa was gone and now there was a PlayStation placed in front with joystick and all other devices. Also, the familiar scent of the room freshener which Tin liked the most was replaced by something that smelt like lemon. Then again, the dining table was changed too. From the old ones which tin treasured to his heart, it was replaced with a modern design furniture which was definitely not his taste. Did I enter the wrong apartment?

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