Season 2 Chapter 5: Beach Life

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Two weeks later)

Jason: Finally, we're all done packing. I thought it would take forever.

Velvela: You can say that again, that took forever.

Jason: Did we seriously have to bring all this stuff?

Layla: Us girls gotta have our fancy stuff. Besides, you're not that good at anything that involves home decor. Remember that most of that stuff in the other house was left there from the previous owners.

House exterior

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House exterior

House interior

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House interior

Jason: I guess you're right.

I opened the door and looked out at the beach then looked at the water, lots and lots of water. I felt myself start to tremble a bit. My fur began to stand out like any animal would when there was a threat or something.

Velvela: Jason, what's wrong? I've never seen you so nervous before.

Jason: Huh? Oh, it's n-nothing.

Velvela: Jason, I know you're lying. Tell me the truth.

Jason: I have an uncontrollable fear of large amounts of water.

Velvela: What? Why didn't you tell any of us?

Jason: It's a stupid fear I have, well, more like something that was given to more actually.

Velvela: What do you mean?

Jason: Lab experiment.

Velvela: You're saying that someone made you afraid of water.

Jason: Yeah.

Velvela: Is there any way to cure it?

Jason: No, it can get better but can't go away permanently.

Velvela: Do you think you'll be able to come with us on a boat ride? I have a friend down here who is wanting to spend some time with me and get to know the family.

Jason: I should be able to control my fear long enough not to have any panic attacks or anything too severe.

Velvela: Have you ever had a panic attack?

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