Season 2 Chapter 1: The rise of the Hybrids

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I jolted awake and took a deep breath, looking around and seeing that I was still in my room cuddled with Velvela and Scarlett.

I looked at the time and saw it was almost five in the morning.

Jason: W-was it all just a dream?

I looked at the girls and saw that Skye was missing, making me panic as I squirmed out of Velvela's and Layla's grasp and headed to the door. Sure enough there they were, both about to head out the door.

Jason: Skye you take another damn step out that door I will snap your spine like a damn toothpick. I know exactly what you're doing and you're not going to like what I have to say. Leave her here and get the hell outta here, we'll discuss this later.

She looked at me in shock, surprised that I was onto her that quickly. She walked to her car and drove off, leaving me and Rose alone.

Jason: Explain now! What in the world were you just about to do?

Rose: I-I just wanna help dad, it's not fair that you're keeping me from helping you.

Jason: Rose, I don't know if this is true or not but I literally just had a dream where you went off with Skye. She assigned you to her best squad and went to infiltrate one of the labs. You wanna know what happened there?

Rose: What?

I poked her in the stomach, then the arm, the next, the stomach again, and then flicked her in the head.

Jason: Each spot I hit was where you got shot, dead right as you hit the floor.

She looked at me in shock, clearly thinking I was crazy or something.

Jason: If you ever try sneaking out like this without my permission I promise you I will make this place seem like a prison. I'm not allowing you to do these things because I'm trying to be a jerk. I'm doing it because I don't want you hurt or killed out there, there is a difference between training and the actual thing. If you mess up in the slightest possible way, boom, you're dead. Your enemies will kill anything that stands in their way, understood?

Rose: O-ok dad.

I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly.

Jason: If I ever lost you, I'd kill myself just to be with you. You're my everything Rose and I promised to protect you and be a loving father the first day I held you. I love you Rose. Never forget it.

Rose: I love you too dad, I'm sorry or trying to sneak out.

Jason: I forgive you, just promise me never to do such a thing. When you're a bit older then I'll consider allowing you to do some small missions. I'm going back to bed before the others get grouchy with me. If you try sneaking out again or Skye comes back I will know and there will be consequences.

Rose: Ok dad.

I walked back to my room and quietly got back into bed.

Velvela: Where did you go?

Jason: Get a quick snack.

Velvela: Alright.

She pulled me close and snuggled close, making me cuddle up as well and slowly drift back to sleep.


I opened my eyes and saw I was in my living room

???: Hello Jason.

I jumped and whirled around, seeing a kitsune standing behind me.

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