Chapter seven: Bounty hunter

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Sarah P.O.V

I slammed my fist into my table, sending papers and nearly my laptop onto the ground

Sarah: I can't believe he got out of our grasp a second time. He's a crafty bastard.

I thought about what to do now and sighed, knowing that there was only one way to capture the human.

Sarah: Someone radio the wolf pack. Tell them I have a task for them.


I was in a room with five wolves, two males, two females, and a cloaked wolf. They are some the leader was an old friend of mine and some of the best bounty hunters out there.

Sarah: I have a task for you, a task that's worth a lot of money.

(???): We're listening.

Sarah: I have a target, someone who keeps slipping out of my fingers. If you capture him alive and bring him to me I'll make sure it was worth your while.

(???): What are we hunting exactly?

Sarah: A human who goes by the name of Jason.

Jason's P.O.V

I  sat in the restaurant waiting patiently for her to meet me. I told her I simply wanted to check up and get out of there, but her sister insisted that we all get together and have some fun. Jenna of course agreed and forced me to join, but I in reality knew there was something up. I just got a really bad feeling something was going to happen, when I had this gut feeling things were sure to take a turn for the worst. But I wanted to at least have a good time with them since I haven't seen them in such a long time, so I put my gut feeling to the side and agreed to have some fun with them.

Jenna: Jason.

I snapped out of my thoughts and saw Jenna and Vevela coming my way.

Jason: Hey you two, long time no see.

I hugged Jenna and nodded at Velvela, who nodded back at me.

Jason: So, you two have an idea of what to do. Lead the way.

Jenna nodded and took my hand and led the way.

Jason: So, how have you two been? Is everything going well? Is Steel leaving you alone?

Jenna: Everything is going good. Things have been just the usual, helping our folks at the cafe and trying to stay out of trouble. As for Steel, he's been avoiding me but I think he's starting to realize that you're gone.

Jason: I see, well I'm glad you two are doing ok. Things have been the usual, just another day in a chaotic world. But thankfully I've been able to stay with some friends and go under the radar.

Velvela: Who've you been staying with?

Jason: Like I said, I've been staying with some friends.

Velvela: Who.

Jason: What's it to you?

Velvela: I'm just curious.

Jason: Fine, old friends.

Velvela: That doesn't help out at all.

Jason: It helps you out plenty, now drop it.

She tensed up, like she was growing impatient about something. Something was up with her, I don't know what but there's more to this picture.

Jason: Anywho, where are we going Jenna?

Jenna: I was thinking about going to an amusement park, I wanna ride some rides while we're here.

The fallen mech soldierDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora