Chapter Eight: A blind date

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Three weeks later,

Jason's P.O.V

I was chilling with squad D at the time being, playing a game of pool with Glitch while Drift watched and the girls chatted.

Glitch: So how are things going with you and Squad A.

Jason: Surprisingly smooth. I think that blow to Luna's head knocked some respect into her, sure she has an attitude but that's something I can handle. Cynthia is a good opponent in swordswoman so that's how we chat. Nicky loves to race, so we do that once in a while. As for Nicky and Grace, we go out to the shooting range and hang out there. Luna, well you know how we connect. They're all pretty chill, but know how to get work done so I respect that.

Glitch: You got your eyes on any of them.

I hit the cue ball and chuckled.

Jason: Nah. Sure they're pretty and what not. I wanna find someone who is away from all the fighting, when I retire I want nothing to do with fighting. I wanna drop everything and raise my children in a safe and friendly environment, away from all the pain and misery that is out on the battlefield. She must be sweet and affectionate, because I'm so screwed up. Not to mention she must be tolerable with me and my actions. It would also be nice if she was cheerful and bubbly, helping me get through all the hard times in life. If she has those perks then everything will go well.

Glitch: Yeah, I get that.

Suddenly team A came walking into the room and over to me.

Jason: What's up?

Cynthia: We were wondering if you wanted to come with us to meet a friend.

Jason: Sure, I'll follow behind soon. Just let me smoke Glitch real quick.

Cynthia: Ok, we're heading to the cafe in town. See you there.

I nodded and continued to play.

Glitch: Who do you think they're talking about?

Jason: Some friend who lives far away. I guess she's someone really important judging by the way they talk about her.

Glitch: Are you going to go?

Jason: Meh. Why not, I mean I haven't gone out since I've started working so it might be nice to chat and get a bite to eat.

I hit the eight ball in and heard him groan, resulting in Drift and I chuckling.

Jason: 3-0, you really gotta step up your game.

He grumbled to himself as Drift took my pole.

Jason: Go easy on him Drift, you don't want him quitting so soon.

Glitch: Oh shut you.

I chuckled as I waved goodbye and headed to the diner.

Cynthia P.O.V

Cynthia: It's so good to see you again Scarlet, it's been way too long.

Scarlet: It's good to see you too. I've missed you all so much.

Luna: So, how have things been?

Scarlet: Oh you know, been doing this and that. Constantly on my toes, all that kinda stuff.

Luna: I get you girl, it's been tough here too.

Nicky: So, have you found a boy yet?

Scarlet: Sadly no, my father wants me to find a lover that way my spouse and I can take on the family business. The only issue is that all the boys in the area are nothing but greedy and only want me because they want you know what. Plus they're nothing that I want. I just simply want an animal that is kind to me, will be good to his kids and will protect me and our future kids. Plus I want him to be fun and super affectionate, I mean is it all to ask?

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