Chapter 4: Home for the Holidays

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One months later,

Jason P.O.V

I set the book down and sat in bed, thinking over everything that had happened.

Things are a lot more complicated than it seems, very complicated. The war fought three hundred years ago was a massive nuclear warfare. The furries managed to get a hold of a couple nuclear missiles themselves. It seemed odd that they were able to get such a powerful weapon that was protected by some of the best soldiers there were, but somehow they were able to defeat them and stole five of the hundred of missiles. Both sides took tremendous damage and dwindled their numbers. But the issue is that the radioactive chemicals in the missiles were the exact same as the chemicals used in creating furries. So practically after the missiles destroyed it's targeted location with the intense heat, it released all the chemicals and created more furries. So instead of it being five hundred thousand humans versus twenty thousands furries. It turned to a million of furries versus five hundred thousand. Not only were humans outmatched, the furries had us outgunned, they were stronger, quicker, and smarter. So after a couple decades, human numbers began to dwindle in size and slowly died. No wonder they call us idiots, we practically helped the furries win that damn war.

Anywho, after the war the furies began to learn about government and politics. Studying them and perfecting them for their needs. I'm surprised that they were able to create a better government than we did, especially since they are different kinds of furries they have different needs. Each species of furries had their own city in a location that was suitable for their needs. Like say the wolves and some dogs loved more in the arctic climates, the cats lived in the jungle, the snakes lived in the warmer areas, and the foxes lived in the forests. Now, there are more kinds of furries, but those four species are the most common. Now the coolest part was that in the middle of all the cities was an enormous city filled with all kinds of furries. It's where the Treehouse was, similar to the White House. There they had all kinds of government conversations and elections for different slices in the Treehouse, just as humans did.they made it where they all could live peacefully among each other. Plus crime rates are way better than they were when humans were still in power.

But the most stunning fact was the architecture. Literally these buildings were outstanding, it was much more advanced then what humans made.

Now, the bad news. The organization that killed my mother is called T.T.A, Time Travel Agency. But I like to call them Time Travel Assholes. These assholes like to go around and screw with time, like start the war between furries and humans. So far they've been experimenting with time travel, learning what can be changed and what can't be changed in the past. I still had some time, but I still had to hurry. One of thier main labs was hiding in the mountains since there are a lot of blizzards that cover their tracks and hide their base. But little did they know I was onto them and ready to pummel them into the ground.

My goal was to give humans a second with furries, because they're just like us. I understand that humans and furries will never get along, but that doesn't have to be the case with all humans and furries. I believe that if given time, humans and furries can learn from each other and grow not as individuals but as a whole. Furries have used the foundation of everything humans have created and simply improved it, making it safer for everyone and bringing peace. Plus, I think humans will live in furries because I heard people loved to draw them and make stories about them.

I look at the reader and give a small wink.

Author: Damn it Jason, I told you not to do that!!!

Jason: I couldn't help myself, I just had to.

*Round two, Begin!!*

I slowly got up from my bed and walked over to my original mech and looked up at it with a grin on my face. It was a red and black mech with dual swords. Now some ask me, "Why the hell do you bring swords to a gunfight?!?" That's where they're wrong. It's a two in one, a sword gun!! It's sheath was a machine gun, when taken out you got a gun ready for battle. But unsheathe it and you got a sword!!

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