Chapter 10: Homecoming

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Me and Sapphire, along with the help of both squad A and D, looked all through history and tried to spot the points where there was most friction between human furries. Turns out that the most friction was in my time, so that was a big bonus. Two hundred years before the war, the furries were created and enslaved, thanks to some sort of mechanical collar on them. It was controlled by a wireless remote, which cost twenty bucks. Literally this was just a way to keep furries under a watchful eye and out of trouble. Disgusting. I literally watched a innocent slave who accidentally made a mistake, die on the floor because of how much electricity went through here body.

Everyone was furious with what happened, but not as much as I was. My race caused so much pain to the furries, no wonder they hated us so much. No matter, that's all going to change when I get home. Only this time I'll have some help. Not only have we looked at famous furry figures, but I've looked at some of the strongest and loyal furries who I could convince to aid me in the fight.

Finally, after a long time of waiting, it was time to strike.

I geared up in my armor and waited for everyone to get suited up.

I was going to miss everyone, but this has to be done. I'll change time, for the greater good. I'll make sure that I fulfill my promise and accomplish my mission.

Jason: Everyone Ready?

I looked at my sister, squad A and squad B. All of them nodded and followed me to the laboratory where the time machine was located.

Jason: Once we get there, capture the scientist. Don't let them touch anything when they activate the time machine. We can't afford to mess with the machine.

They all nodded as we got in the humvee and drove off.

Layla: We're going to miss you guys.

Jason: Same here, but things gotta change. This is unacceptable and I refuse to stand by and let this go.

She sadly nodded and the rest of the ride was quiet.

We parked a couple miles away from that laboratory, so our arrival was unnoticed.

Jason: Remember, stealth is key. Don't get caught.

I checked up on Rose and saw she was asleep in the bag that Sapphire was holding, and nodded.

Jason: Alright, let's move.

We all walked through the woods and to the laboratory, keeping our eyes peeled for any scouting parties. Frankly, we had no run in with any scouting parties. We snuck through the back, Glitch and Drift took care of the guards of the back doors. Once we were inside, we used the air ducts to get around without noticing.

Once we were above our destination, I quietly got out and took care of all the guards and scientists.

Jason: Alright, clear.

They all jumped down and ran over to the time machine. I watched as the two furries who were going to kill Sarah walked through and pretended to be injured.

Jason: Alright everyone, this is goodbye.

Synthia: It was nice having you on our team, you definitely have shed some light onto us about humans.

Jason: Thank you for being there for me, without all of you guys I'll never have the motivation to do this. It was nice being with you guys, I hope that maybe one day we'll see each other again.

Glitch: We'll see what we can do.

I nodded and turned to the Time machine with Sapphire by my side.

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