Season 2, Chapter 4: Different Times, Dimensions and Problems

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(9 months later)

I sat in a meeting with Sarah, Ricky, grandpa and a bunch of other high ranking officers. It was a meeting to talk about our next step of dealing with the hybrids. I really wasn't in the mood to be here and I made sure to show it, making everyone on edge. Mom and the other two knew I wanted to be with the girls, especially since Velvela was expecting our first to come very soon, but they told me I needed to be here in the meeting.

Ricky: Jason.

Jason: What?

Ricky: Look I know you're eager to see the girls, but we need you to focus.

Jason: I have been focused, for nine months actually. I've done my part by being your guys' little puppet and doing all the things that the girls told me not to do!! So run that statement by me one more time and see what happens. You want my opinion on this? Fine, I saw we send multiple recon teams all throughout the country and find where these freaks mostly inhabit, send in multiple squads and take out them one by one. It isn't going to be pretty but what other option do we have? These freaks grow smarter as the days go by, eventually they will find a way to protect themselves from our flamethrowers and will make our lives twice as hard. So unless any of you guys know another way to deal with them, that's what I think we should do.

Everyone was quiet, telling me that I had done my job.

Jason: Anything else?

Ricky: Lose the attitude.

I growled at him as I sat down, not daring to take my eyes off him as we started at one another.

Jason: I'm losing my patience, I've been very generous and haven't left your side in all these past nine months. The girls are most likely angry at me and their parents probably hate me because I chose work over being with them. You're making me look like a bad father and husband. So you watch your words very carefully or I will release all the anger that's built up inside of me. I consider you like a brother, but I have other people I love and care for who are waiting for me. I especially am not going to miss the arrival of my baby girl. Do you understand!!!

Ricky: Jason I understand, but lives are at stake and we need you here.

Jason: I've saved hundreds of lives!!!! Do I not get credit for what I've already done?!?!? When I retire you aren't going to be able to drag my ass back here and solve your problems. So start learning to be more dependent or else there will be issues.

Sarah: Jason, that's enough.

Jason: Clearly it's not enough because I'm still here!!

???: Did we come here to talk about what we are going to do next or family issues?

I pulled out my pistol and pointed it right at him.

Jason: Did I ask for you to interrupt our conversation?

???: N-no.

Jason: Good, so shut up or else.

He nodded as I put my gun back in my holster and sighed.

Jason: Shit can't get any worse today.

Of course my luck being as bad as it was, a portal opened up and a bag was thrown over my head by an unknown person. Following up after putting a bag over my head I was grabbed from behind and dragged through the portal.

I was dragged for a few seconds but I was able to get out of whoever's grasp and jump back while I took off the bag. I turned to where the portal was and saw it was gone, making me curse aloud.

Jason: You got some nerve pulling me out of my world and into wherever we are.

I turned around and saw a group of furries, all surprised me.

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