Chapter 12: Rescue mission

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Jason: So let me get this straight, you want me to go into a furry prison, rescue this Freya and black pain in the ass and her squad, and get outta there?

Ricky: Yep, and do you know Freya?

Jason: Freya...

I glared at the picture with anger. She and I once worked together to free some furries, till she betrayed me and nearly got me killed.

Ricky: Jason, hey!!

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at him.

Jason: Yeah, I'll get it done.

RIcky: Great, just don't mess it up. Freya and her squad have helped us in multiple different situations and it's time we repay the debt.

Jason: Oh I'll help Freya.

Ricky: Be nice Jason!!

I rolled my eyes at his comment and got on my motorcycle. I pulled out my phone and looked at the map and spotted the prison. It's a couple hours away, but I could probably catch a flight and make it sooner. I rode to the nearest airport and got on a plane. As I was walking through the airport, I noticed lots of people with furry slaves, some of the slaves were covered in bruises and looked beaten while others looked like they were being treated somewhat fairly.

I watched a ball roll through the crowd and towards my feet, which I picked up and saw a little kitten furry come my way.

Jason: I'm assuming this is yours?

She nodded shyly, which I handed and patted her on the head.

(???): Hey, hands off her.

I saw an older figure coming my way with the intention of protecting the child, which shocked me.

(???): Sam, you alright? Did he hurt you in any way?

(???): No, he just gave me my ball.

He looked at me suspiciously, but he let it go and relaxed.

(???): Sorry, I thought you were going to try and kidnap her or something.

I chuckled at his comment and gave him an assuring smile.

Jason: Nah, I'd never do such a thing. I'm a furry lover, so I respect and treat them equally.

(???): Really, that's a shocker? I don't know many people who really like furries. I found her in the streets and have taken care of her for over three years.

Jason: Yeah, I have been taking care of a fox furry for about a year. I'm glad to hear that there's someone else out there that's willing to show some compassion towards furries.

(???): Agreed, it wasn't their fault that they were changed into furries and now are treated like this.

Jason: I know right, it's so disappointing. Here, take this.

I grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil and wrote an address and number down.

Jason; If you two need a place to hide, this is the place to go alright.

(???): Thank you.

Jason: Anytime, I'm happy to help. Just be careful out there.

I patted the child on the head and walked off, getting ready to board my plane.

(Timeskip seven hours)

I got off the plane and stretched.

Jason: I hate being cramped in one place for a long period of time.

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