Season 2 Chapter 3: Crisis in the snow.

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Chapter 3: crisis in the snow

I slowly opened my eyes and then started to rub them, seeing it was dark outside and we were still on our way to our destination.

I looked around and saw all of the girls were fast asleep except for Saki, who seemed to be deep in thought.

Jason: Are you all good Saki?

Jason: Are you all good Saki?

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Not mine, credit to author

She blinked for a couple seconds and then looked over at me.

Saki: Y-yeah, just worried that's all.

Jason: About what?

Saki: My family.

Jason: Yeah, I get that.

Saki: Humans. Hmph. I appreciate your sympathy but it was you humans who caused this. You're the ones who created the monsters that have caused so much death and destruction. Haven't you humans done enough? Truly, what have we ever done to you humans to earn the disrespect all you humans have given us.

I sat there in silence for a moment, and then sighed.

Jason: I can't answer that question.

Saki: I beg your pardon?

Jason: I'm saying that I don't know why all these humans have treated you poorly.

Saki: Why can't you answer that? You're a human, you're one of them who have treated us so horrible and caused us so much pain. Yet you sit next to a group of furries and socialize with them like you've done nothing wrong!! Me and my pack have suffered so much because of you furless freaks!! So tell me how come you can't answer that damn question.

Velvela: That's because he's not like your average human, you bitch.

We both looked at Velvela, who was awake and looking at Saki with rage in her eyes.

Saki: I beg your pardon.

Jason: Velvela, don't.

Velvela: That human who you're being a bitch to happens to be one of us. He too is a furry, better yet a chimera. A chimera who has risked his lives multiple times for the sake of both humans and furries all over the world. You wanna know what he gets? Nothing nor does he want anything. He is not like any of the humans out there, he is the most caring, selfless, and badass human out there and I will not allow you to talk down to him. May I also remind you that he's the one who had us come here and help your pack and the dragons. So shut your damn mouth you ungrateful bitch.

Jason: That's enough Velvela, she has a right to be angry at us humans.

Velvela: You're not a human Jason, you're a chimera.

Jason: I was born a human and I'm still part human, so I'm still a part of this.

Velvela: No you're not. You've saved thousands of furries, you've saved tons of lives and yet this is how you get treated. No, I refuse to let her talk down to you like that.

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