Chapter two: A new friend??

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Jason P.O.V

I rode until the light on the gas tank on the motorcycle turned on.

Jason: Ugh, why now?

I decided that it was too risky for me to head into town, so I put the motorcycle onto the side of the road and began to walk into the woods. It was still bright outside so I had to take a different route and pray I find some sort of town that I can sneak into and get answers.


I walked for an hour, and I was completely lost. I'd been in these woods all afternoon and it wasn't looking like I was going to be getting out of these woods anytime soon.

It was a chilly night and cloudy night. Of course not having proper clothes for

Jason: It must be winter or something, I forgot how cold it can get around here.

Suddenly my question was answered as snow started to fall.

Jason: Great, first I awake and put in a prison, then I literally was rejected by the president to just simply join the military, and now this. Things couldn't get any worse.

(???): Who's there?

I cursed to myself and started running, but whatever was behind me was chasing me. I ran as fast as I could, but it started to slowly close the gap. I didn't have much in the tank left, I knew I was slowing down but I had to keep on going. That was until I hit something that wasn't visible to me and caused me to fall and dislocate my ankle.

I groaned in pain and tried to get back up, but something tackled me and pinned me to the ground.

(???): Who are you and what are you doing on my land?

She rolled me around and looked at me, I bet she could see me but I couldn't see her.

(???): A human??

Jason: Yeah, yeah, I'm a human so what??

She was silent, and then leaned down and sniffed me as if she was examining me.

(???): How is it possible? Why are you here? I thought humans were extinct.

Jason: Look, I've been frozen for almost three hundred years. I was captured, tortured for hours by some crazy scientists, tried join the military but was rejected by the president himself, and now I'm here with a mystery figure on top of me.

(???) You can't see me?

Jason: Here's a little fun fact about humans, we don't have as good senses as you furries do so of course I can't see you!

(???): Geez, don't need to be rude.

Jason: It's been a rough day.

(???): you promise not to attack me?

Jason: I'm not hostile, I promise.

She got off me and allowed me to get up, but I instantly fell down in pain.

I heard her giggle a bit, then helped me up and picked me up. My word she was strong, either that or furries are just very strong in general.

(???): Here, I'll take you to my place. I'll help you out and get you patched up, but attack me and I'll use force.

Jason: I promise not to attack you if you don't give me a reason to.

(???): Deal, the name's Jenna by the way.

Jason: You can call me Jason, glad someone knows how to have a civil conversation without looking at me like I'm a walking plague.

(???): I try not to judge others by appearances, I mean I wouldn't like it if someone laughed at my appearances and called me ugly.

The fallen mech soldierजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें