Chapter six: Reuniting with the Kitsune Family

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I breathed heavily as I reached the final step and collapsed with a sigh of relief.

Blitz: Come on, get up you big baby!

Jason: Big baby? You're the one who insisted on buying tons of clothes and swords, not to mention you had to make me carry them all up with you on my back. I at least deserve a minute of rest.

Blitz: I thought that you were at the top of your group when you came here.

Jason: Give me a break, I would train but I can't go anywhere without having to put having to be on edge.

Blitz: Well now you're here, so you shouldn't have to worry about those problems.

Jason: I hope so, because I'm going to lose it if another furry starts screaming that I'm a human. I can't stand it, I get it but still it's like calling me a freak.

She looked at me and smirked, she was most likely thinking something rude.

Jason: Don't start with me or I'll throw all this stuff down the hill and leave it for you to get.

Blitz: Geez, what got you in a crabby mood, I'm just messing with you. Lighten up.

Jason: I'll lighten up when others treat me with decency, not like I'm the destroyer of worlds or some shit.

She rolled her eyes and picked up her stuff and banged on the palace gate.

Blitz: Hey!! Open up!!!

A guard appeared on the wall and looked down at us.

Guard: State your identity.

Blitz: It's me Blitz, open up!!

Guard: Who's with you?

Blitz: Are you disobeying my orders?!?

Guard: N-no, open the gates!!!

With that the gate slowly opened up and showed tons of kitsune with a couple different other furries trading in a massive area. Each one with a wooden sword, swinging it with ease and all in sinc.

Jason: Wow, things have gone a long way since I've been here.

Blitz: Well, mom and dad pour their hearts out into the palace and the training.

(???): JASON!!!!

I spotted a figure in the distance and saw it was Raine, Blitz's sister.

Jason: Not her, what's your sister's obsession with beating me?

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Jason: Not her, what's your sister's obsession with beating me?

Blitz: You go me there, she hasn't changed a bit since you've left.

Jason: I can tell. Welp, let's see if she's learned anything.

I gave her Rose, then slowly walked over to Raine.

Jason: What? Not going to greet an old friend after all this time?

Raine: I only see you as my rival, so pull out your sword and dual me. I've gotten stronger since the last time we've met.

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