Chapter one: Wake up call

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Third Person P.O.V

Somewhere deep in a laboratory, was a cryogenic chamber. It had been inactive for hundreds of years, containing a very important specimen. Suddenly the machine came to like and began to slowly open, releasing a sleeping human who fell to the ground.

(???): Ugh, that hurt. W-where in the world am I?

The human looked around and saw that the place was deserted, not a single sign of life was shown in the abandoned laboratory.

(???): How long have I been asleep, where is everyone? What happened to the others?

Panic arose in the human as he slowly got up and sluggishly moved around the laboratory, trying to find someone who can help him. Suddenly he came across a tragic sight. The other cryogenic chambers had become faulty and killed the other humans who were placed in a long sleep like he was.

(???): No, this can't be. H-how are they all dead? What happened?

The human walked over to the faulty machine and wiped all the frost off, revealing a female inside. She looked as if she was in a deep sleep as if the machine was still working properly.

(???): I need answers. What's going on? Why am I here and how long has it been?

He walked over to his chamber and noticed two dates on it.

(???) July 10th, 2021 all the way to.

He paused and looked at the machine in disbelief.

(???): T-that's impossible, I've been asleep for over three hundred years!!!

As he looked at the numbers, more questions filled his mind. But the one question that stood out made all the questions go away, what was the world like now?

He looked at the other details and noticed his name was Jason, but there was no last name.

He wanted to think about it more, but suddenly there was a loud bang and footsteps soon followed.

Jason quickly went and hid in a closet, calming his breathing that way whoever was coming didn't spot him.

(???): Wonder what's down here.

The first voice sounded feminine, it was high pitched and cheerful as if she was excited to solve the mysteries that lie in this facility

(???): Beats me, this place seems to have been abandoned a long time ago. Whoever was here, seemed to be in a hurry since there's still documents and supplies here.

The second voice seemed more massuline, judging by his tone and the footsteps he was way bigger than the first voice. Not to mention that those footsteps weren't human. Jason just hoped that whatever they were would be friendly instead of hostile.

Suddenly a cat and bloodhound, both standing on two legs like a human, came walking into view and stopped at the cryogenic chamber that I was in.

(???): Look at this Cooper, this one's open.

Cooper: Yeah, look at the date. It was just opened today, literally a couple minutes ago.

(???) Does that mean whatever was in here has escaped?

Cooper: No, because it's still here watching us.

Jason knew the bloodhound was onto him, but he didn't move and waited patiently for the bloodhound to come towards him.

He lifted his nose into the air and started to sniff, then looked right in my direction.

Cooper: Come on out or I'll force you out.

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