Chapter 28

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Hi guys, I can't apologise enough for my delay. With work being super busy and stressful, then add to that getting sick, I've had next to no writing time. I just haven't been in the right headspace. So, so sorry! I hope you enjoy this chapter and I will endeavour to update quicker next time. Thanks for your patience. I love you all!! :)
The knock on the front door sends a flurry of butterflies in my stomach. He's here! I hear Lachlan screech in his room then he dashes out to the door and stops in front of it. Turning to me with large, excitable eyes he asks, "Doc?"

I laugh and ruffle his hair. "Must be," I say as I take a deep breath and open the door.

Sure enough, David is standing on the other side looking nervous. Seeing that makes me relax a little knowing I'm not the only one who's nervous. It's only dinner for goodness' sake yet it still feels so strange. Our relationship hasn't been professional for ages but it still feels weird seeing him in such an informal setting. At my home.

"Hi," I say, my voice coming out slightly shaky, "come on in."

He smiles at me then I step to the side so he can walk in. When he brushes past me, a shiver runs down my spine at the closeness. The feelings are so foreign and they still feel wrong but I'm trying really hard not to ignore them anymore. It may be a long while before anything happens but I can't keep pretending there is nothing between us. Especially if I'm determined to keep moving ahead.

Lachlan shrieks when David comes into view and runs at him, hugging his legs-a habit he still hasn't broken. Closing the door behind me, I stand in front of it as I watch Lachlan pull away and chat animatedly to David while he listens intently.

My mind wanders as I focus on the day I've had. It's been a good day...really good. Mum and I took Lachlan to the park as planned. It was difficult at first because this was something Sam and I did every Saturday morning. Being the first time doing it without him was tough. I cried, I'm not going to deny it, but I recovered a lot quicker than normal. After half an hour or so I began to relax. Seeing Lachlan so happy and running around, playing with other kids helped with that. My son was last.

While he played, Mum and I talked about anything and everything. I could feel things slowly returning to normal and as much as it scared me, I was glad. We spent a good three hours at the park then went to a nearby fish and chip shop for lunch. After that we migrated to the shopping centre. We agreed buying some new toys and even some new furnishings might help Lachlan and I feel a little easier in our place.

I told Mum of my plans to build and sell and she was ecstatic. She promised to help me whenever I needed it and realising it was actually going to happen gave me a spark of excitement. I never imagined my life with Sam and even now it's hard but I know I have to. He would want this so I'm not going to feel guilty about it.

Once we finished shopping we went home again and Lachlan had a sleep while I put our new things on display. Because we were out so long his sleeping pattern was out of sync and now I'm worried about how he'll go down tonight. I can only hope he tires himself out while David is here. After all the point of David's visit is to see if Lachlan settles.

Is it? Is it really? Are you sure you didn't want him around for other reasons?

I purse my lips and shake my head to rid the thoughts. I might be willing to move ahead but I'm not going to get carried away on my feelings. There's a lot I need to work through before I consider anything romantic.

Lachlan's shriek of laughter makes me blink a couple of times and I realise I haven't moved. David and Lachlan are now sitting on the sofa and David is reading him a book. My heart swells with pride as I watch them. It's good seeing them get on so well. Over the last few months I've noticed how clingy Lachlan has been getting. He's been okay going to Mum and Dad or Simon and Dani but he's been more grizzly than normal.

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