163. The Most Triumphant Moment

Start from the beginning

But at that moment.

"Kookie, stop it!"

Somewhere, a clear voice rang in the air.

It was a voice that Jungkook knew. A voice that his heart pined for. He could cry just from hearing the sound.

But his charge did not stop.

'Lalisa is dead. They took her from me. I'll kill them all.'

His only desire was to kill. Kill everyone.

Even if he killed all the soldiers here, his anger would not be satiated. No, even if he burned the whole world, the chasm in his heart could never be filled. He would never be able to wake up from this anger and despair. His blood pumped hotly in his veins, and if he didn't do anything right now, his whole body would burn.

The violent emotion had awakened the cursed blood of the dragon.

From a distance, Taehyung's voice rang out as he tried to stop someone.

"Stay away from him! Getting near him is suicidal!"

Jungkook raised his hand to strike the Ruford soldiers, when suddenly—

A small, warm body held his back.

His instincts told him to immediately kill whoever was holding him, but a familiar scent caused him to stop.

"I'm here, Kookie. That's enough."

Jungkook slowly turned his head towards the voice. The first thing he saw were long, blonde locks fluttering in the wind. Then he saw fair skin, crimson lips, a straight nose, and thick lashes. Beneath them were jewel-like red eyes that looked up at him.

He thought he would never see her again.

It was Lalisa.

For the first time, recognition flickered behind Jungkook's rage-filled eyes.


"Yes. I'm back, Kookie."

Lalisa's eyes filled with tears as she pressed herself more firmly against him.

Jungkook's body stiffened. He was completely stunned. Namjoon clearly told him that she was dead. Was this an illusion? A dream?

His head swirled in confusion. But soon he thought, what did it matter? Lalisa could be a ghost or a fantasy, but he was happy that she showed up in front of him.

Perhaps the grim reaper that came for Jungkook would leave him one last happy moment.

Jungkook turned around, and held her body so tightly that there was not a gap between them. He leaned his head against her shoulder.

"...Why are you so late?"

He was hell-bent on destroying the world that had taken her from him. He wanted to bring ruin to everything, and eventually even himself. It was suffering enough when Lalisa was kidnapped, and he couldn't confirm for himself whether she was alive or dead. He couldn't eat, sleep, sit down, or think. It was as if his lifeblood drained from him with every second of her absence.

Jungkook held her fragile body with all his might.

"I don't care what you are right now. Don't let go. Don't ever leave my side again."

"I won't. I'll stay by your side and never fall away."

Lalisa looked up and looked into Jungkook's face. She then touched his chin and smiled brightly.

"I missed you."

Jungkook's brow furrowed at her long-awaited appearance, and he once again locked her in his arms.

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