Jimin took a few steps forward, but he heard Roseanne's faint voice behind him.

"...I love you, Jimin."

Jimin's feet paused at the confession, but he soon stepped forward again as if nothing were wrong. Fortunately, the room was too dim for her to notice. This time, he answered without even turning his head.

"I'll pretend that I haven't heard from you today."

At the same time, Jimin touched a desk clock lying on the table, and he knocked it to the ground with a crashing noise. It startled the maid who was dozing outside, and she quickly went into Roseanne's room.

"O-oh, Young Lady! Are you all right? Hold on a moment. I'll call the doctor!"

Then the maid realized Roseanne was awake and hurried away. Roseanne, who had suddenly been distracted by the maid, turned to the window again, but Jimin had already disappeared.

The wide open windows were the only evidence that he had ever been there.



Lalisa's palace life was going smoothly. Few people knew that she considered her party a failure because of her unsuccessful strike against the Empress, but everyone else-both natives and foreigners-praised the colorful dances and lavishness of the event. It was not the intended result, but it was still a favorable outcome.

Previously, Lalisa had chosen Jennie to be one of her ladies-in-waiting, and today was her first day at the palace in official capacity.

"Hail to the Crown Princess. Eternal glory to the Ruford Empire."

Jennie gave a polite bow at the entrance, and Lalisa hurried over to grab her hand.

"You can leave out such formalities between us."

"Oh no, Your Highness, it is my honor. How have you been?"

Jennie's manner of speaking was more formal than when Lalisa was unmarried, but the lady-in-waiting's face was still soft and welcoming. Lalisa answered with a soft smile.

"I am well. How are you, Lady Lawrence?"

"Very well. Nothing much has happened, except that I've been a little busy since everyone found out that I am your lady-in-waiting."

Jennie's words reminded her of the time when her love affair with Jungkook was thrust into the high society. She had been flustered by the sheer volume of invitations and the loss of her quiet social life. Looking back now, it seemed a distant memory.

"Was there anything that made you uncomfortable?"

"No, not at all! Since I became a lady-in-waiting, my family's business is doing better, and my father is happy. I just wonder how I can repay you."

"That's good to hear."

They strolled through beautiful landscaped garden. Lalisa would normally receive visitors from the parlor room, but the weather was so pleasant that she couldn't stay in.

"Let's have some tea together, Lady Lawrence."

"Ah, thank you, Your Highness.

"You're welcome. If you like, I can give some to you separately, so remember to take it later."

After Lalisa finished speaking to Jennie, she ordered Nayeon to bring tea, and the maid hurried away to fulfill her order.

"How about we have tea at an outdoor table? Today I'll show you everything in the Imperial Palace."

"It's an honor, Your Highness."

A happy expression spread on Jennie's face, and the pair settled at a table in the middle of the garden. Several minutes later, Nayeon arrived and set down a tray of fragrant tea in front of them. Jennie took a careful sip of her drink, and then looked at her cup in delight.

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