66. That was How it Began

Start from the beginning

"But the Blaise family is not poor. We can fairly pay the dowry and wedding ceremony requested by the Imperial Household"

"You would be surprised the dowry my father sought for."

Lalisa looked at him, puzzled. Although she managed the finances, her father had not clarified it to her.

'Is the amount more than I anticipate?'

The Blaises held considerable wealth, and it seemed impossible that even a princess dowry would drain their finances entirely. Noblewomen typically wouldn't worry greatly about it, but La'slisa finance-minded approach wouldn't let her set it aside. Her forehead creased, while Jungkook offered his reassurances.

"You don't have to worry about it."

"How can I not worry? It's a serious matter if the Emperor requested a high dowry."

"That's why I'm saying you don't need it anymore."

Jungkook proposal was tempting, but she was unsure of the approach. Perhaps House Blaise would appear cheap to other nobles, and she didn't know how the Imperial Family would tolerate that. Jungkook had his elbows on his knees as he languidly studied Lalisa.

"Sometimes you don't listen when I speak."

"I...No, of course I'm grateful, but the reputation of my family is at stake. I'm only being cautious."

"Don't overthink it. At home and abroad, it will be rumored that my love for you is so great that I turned down the dowry. There will be no harm to your family's reputation."


It seemed too good to be true that he would turn it down. What he offered so casually was unusual in the Imperial Court of the Ruford Empire.

"...This is too good for me."

"Yes, so I think you owe me another one."

Lalisa felt like she was already deeply indebted to Jungkook. On top of that, she felt uneasy about not paying dowry, but he simply smiled.

"Just remember to pay me back later."

But as Jungkook suggested, the appearance of a love marriage had several advantages. Firstly, their relationship would appear stronger to others, and secondly, by not using the Blaise's money, it was easier to hand over financial control to Roseanne. The benefits were so tempting that Lalisa was almost apologetic towards Jungkook.

"...Then I'll accept it without reserve. I'll never forget to pay you back later."

Although she was with Jungkook was for her family's sake, after the marriage she wouldn't be around to help her family as often. Lalisa had been part of the Blaise family all her life. She worried about how her father, her brother, and Roseanne would fare without her there, and so selfishly, she could not refuse the burdensome favor Jungkook offered her. Meanwhile, Jungkook answered with a satisfied look.

"You don't have to thank me. It's all for you, after all."

"It seems like I'm the only one who benefits, isn't it?"

"Let's say that what benefits you benefits me as well. We'll be married soon."

Lalisa heart softened. Perhaps it really was time for her to be married Jungkook.

"Let's have dinner together before we go back."

"It's too late for that..."

"I won't allow you to refuse. If you don't want to walk from the palace to your mansion, you should follow me."

He grinned at her mischievously, and Lalisa felt the urge to rebel. She was perfectly capable of returning home with Jungkook giving her a carriage, but she couldn't refuse after the massive favor he had given her. Finally, she agreed.


Jungkook's smile deepened at her answer. It is almost as if he waived the dowry just to create this situation. Lalisa felt like she owed another debt, and was slipping into the grip of a swamp called Jungkook.



A few days later, and Jungkook's and Lalisa's wedding was to be soon.

Bambam delivered Roseanne some unexpected news.

"Young Lady, someone came in for an interview after seeing the notice."

"Interview? I think we've hired enough people already..."

"Then shall I send him back?"

Roseanne thought for a moment and shook her head.

"No. But since he's come all the way here, it would be more appropriate if I turned him down in person.

Bambam nodded at her judgment.

"Yes, My Lady. He's in the drawing room on the first floor. Would you like to see him first? I'll join you right away after I finish my work."

Roseanne and Bambam usually conducted the interviews jointly. Roseanne did well without Bambam in the end, and so there was no immediate need for him to follow her anymore.

"Alright. I'll go first."

Roseanne gave a cheerful smile and headed towards the drawing room. It was unusually sunny today, and she matched her smile with the weather. She hoped it would be just as beautiful during the wedding. Roseanne hummed to herself as she opened the door to the drawing room.

Inside stood a man with his back towards the door, and Roseanne stopped breathing as she almost seemed to recognize his dark hair and pale skin.

The man turned around after hearing her come in, and she felt her heart drop to the floor. It was Jimin, the man who appeared in her dream last night. He looked into Roseanne's green eyes, and spoke with an impassive face.

"Hello. It's been a long time, My Lady."

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