Chapter 21

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"Jisoo dear..are you sure you're alright? I can stay home to take care of you if you want. I can't believe someone would do that.." Ms Hong says. 

"I'm okay mom...I just want to be alone." Joshua says, softly crying into his pillow. 

"Should I call Jeonghan?" 

"No! Don't!" Joshua yelled. "I mean.."

"Did something happen..?" she asks. No response. Suddenly, the door creaked open. "Oh Jisoo.." Ms Hong took Joshua into a hug. "Come on, let's go downstairs so I can make you some hot chocolate."

"Okay.." Joshua says, following his mom downstairs. He sat at the table while Ms Hong made the hot chocolate in the kitchen. When she came back, she handed him the mug as he sniffled into his blanket. "Thank you, mom.."

"Of course. Now...what happened?" she asks.

"I fucked up ma.." Joshua says, crying again. "I love him so much but I left because I thought maybe I would be ruining his reputation, but now that I think about it, it's so stupid." Joshua sobbed louder as he continued to talk, "But I didn't want to be selfish, but I want him all to myself...I love him so much ma.."

Joshua cried into his hands as Ms Hong patted his back. "It's okay, sweetie. Breath, breath." she says with a calm voice. 

"I-I didn't want to be selfish.." he sobbed.

"I know dear, but sometimes is good to be selfish. In this situation, it's not even being selfish. It's normal to feel that way in a relationship, but you should've talked to him before breaking up with him out of the blue." she says. 

"I know, I know, but I can't do anything about it now.." he says, crying. 

"Did you try?"


"Then you should try. On Monday." she says.

"But what if-"

"No buts. If he gets mad, it's pretty simple what your answer is. Don't go for him." she says with a warning tone. "You have two days to think of something to say. Make sure you apologize."

"O-Okay. Thanks mom.." Joshua says, sighing. 

"Anyways, I'm gonna get to work. See you, sweetheart.." Ms Hong says, standing up from her seat and patting Joshua on the head. She grabbed her bag and put on her shoes, "I'll come home early so I'll buy something to eat for dinner, okay?"

"Okay!" Joshua says, sipping on his drink. "Bye mom."

"Bye~ Love you."


The next day, Joshua didn't feel like moving. He just laid on the couch, watching television. And then, the doorbell rang. 

He groaned, sitting up and making his way to the door. He opened the door, looking down until he heard the person's  voice.


Joshua jerked his head up to see an out of breath Jeonghan. "J-Jeonghan? What are you-"

"Jisoo, I love you." Jeonghan says, grabbing onto Joshua's hands.Joshua's blanket fell to the floor but he didn't care. "I love you so fucking much, Jisoo. I don't care what anyone else thinks about us. I love you and I know you love me so please...stop thinking like this.." Jeonghan says.

"W-What? Who told you..?" Joshua asked.

"Myungho. He told me yesterday after I practically begged him." Jeonghan sighed, "But that's not the point. Jisoo..I seriously love you. If people hate our relationship, I don't care. They aren't part of it and they will never stop me from loving you." 

"Jeonghan.." Joshua was crying at this point. "I'm so sorry, Jeonghan...I was so scared that you wouldn't love me anymore if I talked to you about this...I was worried that I might ruin your reputation and people might judge you and I don't want people to judge you.." Joshua sobbed, making Jeonghan slightly shocked. 

Joshua couldn't say anything else from how much he was crying. Jeonghan pulled him in for a tight hug, wrapping his arms around the younger's waist. 

"I'm so so sorry, Jeonghan.." Joshua sobbed. 

"It's okay, baby, it's okay." Jeonghan stroked the younger's back, trying to calm Joshua down. "Shh..stop crying.."

Joshua sniffled, trying to wipe his tears away with Jeonghan's help. "Jeonghan..will you forgive me and give me another chance?" Joshua asked, coughing. 

"Of course, Joshuji." Jeonghan says. He leaned in and kissed the younger's lips so softly as if it was their first ever kiss together. Joshua slightly tip-toed to kiss the older's back, wrapping his arms around Jeonghan's neck. 

They pulled away and just stared at each other before Joshua buried his face into Jeonghan's chest. "I'm sorry.." he says.

"Stop apologizing." Jeonghan says, walking in the house and closing the door. "I'm gonna make out with you if you apologize again." Saying that, Joshua stopped talking and Jeonghan made an offended face. "Bruh, seriously?"

"I'm just kidding, baby." Joshua says, smiling. "I love you."

"I love you too." Jeonghan says.

Author's Note: i like this ch. it was cute but i feel like they got together too fast..❤


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