Chapter 19

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"Ari, what do you want now?" 

"I just have something to show you." Ari says, flipping out her phone. 

"And why do I need to look at it?" Joshua asked, raising an eyebrow as he stopped walking. 

"I's about Jeonghan so I don't think you wouldn't want to see." Ari says, smirking. 

"What are you up to Ari? I'm not going to-" Joshua stopped mid sentence after looking at Ari's phone. 

Jeonghan: Hey Ari, let's hang out.

Ari: Sure, but don't blame me if your boyfriend gets mad. I know you still love me anyways.

Jeonghan: Yeah, I do. 

Ari: I knew it. Why are you even still with that hoe?

Jeonghan: I was bored. Nothing special about him anyways.

Joshua snorted and then burst out laughing. "You're editting is terrible! How can someone be this bad!?" Joshua laughed.

"It-It's not editted!" Ari says, flushing red. 

"Yes, yes, of course it's not." Joshua says, calming down. "Anyways, see ya." 

Joshua walked away, towards the cafeteria. That's when he started hearing a lot of comments on his and Jeonghan's relationship.

"Is Jeonghan actually for real about this guy?"

"Since when was Jeonghan gay?"

"Maybe that new student made Jeonghan gay." (woah joshua's a magician!) 

"Jeonghan's probably fucking with him. He'll probably leave the guy sooner or later." 

'Oh god..I want to barf..' Joshua thought, sighing. 'But..they're wrong. Jeonghan loves me, I ruining everything for him? His reputation? People are judging him..because of me..' 


"Huh?" Joshua turned around and was jumped on by his boyfriend. Jeonghan wrapped his arms around Joshua's waist, pecking the younger. 

"What's wrong, Joshuji? I was calling you for a minute straight.." Jeonghan says.

"'s nothing. I was just thinking.." Joshua says, smiling.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, let's go." Joshua says. 

"Alright.." Jeonghan agreed, still suspicious of the younger, but just went along with it. They got to the cafeteria where Joshua's friends were because Jeonghan agreed to hang out with them. 

"Hi hyungs!" Soonyoung says. 

"Hiii~" Jeonghan says as the two sat down. 

The group all started talking to each other while Joshua didn't feel like talking. He stayed quiet and Jeonghan noticed, but didn't want to bother the younger if it was anything big. 

"Jisoo hyung, are you okay?" Seungkwan whispered into Joshua's ear.

"Hm? Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Joshua asked, whispering back.

"I don't know...You seem out of it. You're face looks sadder." Seungkwan says, shrugging.

"Does that mean I look bad?"

"Of course not. You just look sad." Seungkwan says.

"I see...Well, I'm okay. Thanks for worrying." Joshua says, smiling a convincing smile. 

After a bit, the bell rang, sending everyone to class. 

"Joshuji, let's go?" Jeonghan asks, holding out a hand.

"Yeah, let's go." Joshua says with a quieter tone than usual. He held onto Jeonghan's hand like always and they walked to class, holding hands. 

"Hiii Jisoo!" Sojeong waved as the two walked in.

"Hi Sojeong." Joshua says, smiling. "Did you find a boyfriend yet."

"Go die."


"Shuji, should we go on a date?" Jeonghan asked, getting in the car.

"Uhm...I'm not in the mood for a date, actually. Sorry Jeonghan." Joshua says, sighing. 

Jeonghan raised an eyebrow at the younger, "Are you okay, Joshuji? Are you feeling well?" he asks.

"I'm feeling fine, Jeonghan. Just...a little out of it today." Joshua says. Jeonghan couldn't ready what expression Joshua had on his face. It was confusing. It looked like he was happy, but at the same time he looked sad. "Can you just take me home for today?"

"..Sure...Hope you feel better, baby." Jeonghan says, kissing the younger's forehead. 

They drove in silence and once they got to Joshua's place, it was awkward. 

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" Joshua says.

"Yeah." Jeonghan smiled, hoping it would make Joshua feel better. 

Joshua got up, getting out of the car. 

"No goodbye kiss?" Jeonghan asked, genuinely confused. 

Joshua paused for a bit before smiling and leaning in. It was an awkward kiss so they both pulled away quickly. 

"Bye Jeonghan." 

"..Bye Joshuji.."


"Joshuji has been distant from me ever since Monday...It's Thursday now.." Jeonghan says, sulking. He laid his head on the table, complaining to his friends. 

"Aren't we supposed to be studying? Why are you suddenly complaining about your relationship?" Mingyu asked. 

"I don't know what's going on.." Jeonghan complained.

"I mean, hyung is pretty busy. The art competition is tomorrow." Minghao says. "He said he's finished, but he's nervous."

"Then I should go cheer him up, right?" Jeonghan says, smiling as he lifted his head up. 

"Poor Shua hyung." Junhui says. 

"Shut up, Junhui. You act like this with Minghao too." Jeonghan says. 

"Whatever." Junhui says, rolling his eyes.

"Should I text him?" Jeonghan asked, excitedly. 

"What are you going to say?" Seungcheol asked, putting his pencil down.

"I don't know, but- Oh! He texted me." Jeonghan says. He opened the text to read what it says.

"So? What did he says..?" Hansol asked, worriedly after seeing Jeonghan's face drop.

"He's...breaking up with me.."

Author's Note: angst is a must in my stories!! ❤


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