Chapter 7

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The next morning, Joshua woke up in the arms of the last person he wanted. Yoon Jeonghan.

He quickly pushed the older away, checking if Jeonghan had done something to him. Thankfully he was fine, but Jeonghan on the other hand had woken up from falling off the bed.

"What the!" Jeonghan rubbed the back of his head.

"Why didn't you sleep on the floor!?" Joshua's face filled with blush.

"Huh? Oh. It was cold." Jeonghan shrugged, "And you looked lonely and warm. It's not like anything happened. Unless you wanted-"

The older got interrupted, falling to the floor once again when Joshua threw the pillow at his face.

"Stop being a pervert!" Joshua yelled and began throwing all of his pillows and stuffed animals at the other.

"Okay! Okay!" Jeonghan did his best to block the pillows, but ended up getting hit multiple pillows. "Stop throwing pillows!"

Joshua did stop, but was still embarrassed and flustered. "Pervert.."

Jeonghan just stuck his tongue out at the other.

"Whatever. My mom's not home since she's at work. There's nothing fun here. Go home." Joshua says as he stood up from his bed and made his way towards the door.

"Eyyy~ Don"t be like that~" Jeonghan whined, "Let me stay over, Shuji~"

"What for? There's nothing to do here." Joshua let out an annoyed sigh.

"I can do you."



" can cook?"

After the two washed up, Joshua had finished before the older and decided to make them breakfast.

"Of course I can cook. How do you think I eat everyday?" Joshua sat down, across from the other.

"I don't know. Your mom? Take out?" Jeonghan shrugged before picking up his chopsticks. "Thank you for the food~"

As Jeonghan took a bite, Joshua couldn't help but stare. He was nervous. What if his cooking was good? What if Jeonghan doesn't like it?

"Wow! Joshuji! This is delicious!" Jeonghan says.

"Really? You're not just saying that, right..?" Joshua blushed, pouting his lips.

"Aww, you're so cute Joshuji. But it's actually delicious." Jeonghan took another bite of the food before talking again. "I'll come over everyday now."

"Please don't." Joshua let out a frustrated sigh before joining the older to eat.

"Too bad~" Jeonghan hummed, "You should be happy. You don't have to be alone on the weekends."

"But I want to be alone on the weekends." Joshua furrowed his eyebrows together, which Jeonghan thought was really cute.

"Don't worry Shuji. I'll take you out to eat next time." Jeonghan winked at the younger and received a playful gag.


"When are you gonna go home?" Joshua groaned as he tried pushin the older off of him.

"But Shuji, you love me~" Jeonghan complained, hugging the younger's waist.

"I don't. Go home." Joshua stuck his tongue out at the older.

"I'll leave in 30 minutes, okay? My driver is on his way so let's have fun~" Jeonghan puckered his lips, for a joking kiss. In return, he got a playful slap.

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