Chapter 5

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"Oh my gosh! The new member is here!" A red head rushed up to Joshua with sparkles in his eyes. "Welcome! I'm Minghao and I'm the president of the art club!"

Minghao grabbed the other's hands and shook it.

"N-nice to meet you?" Joshua gave a slight bow, shaking the other's hand. "I like your hair."

"Thank you!" Minghao smiled, "Come in!"

The two walked away from the door and further into the club room. There were 3 other people in the room and Joshua recognized one of then as the guy Seungkwan had introduced, Junhui.

"Alright hyung, you can leave now." Minghao says, looking at the taller.

"But's so boring without you.." Junhui whined, jokingly. He clung onto the younger like a child.

"The new member is here so you have to go." Minghao pushed the other away, watching him pout.

"Ughh! Fine.." Junhui walked out of the room after saying goodbye to Minghao and the other two.

"Anyways, let's have an introduction." Minghao was excited as ever. He had a genuine grin on his face which Joshua didn't expect at all since Minghao had a somewhat scary look.

"My name is Joshua, but you can call me Jisoo. However you like. I'm a new senior to this school so thank you for letting me join this club." Joshua bowed at the group while they clapped.

"So you're a senior. You're older than all of us then." Minghao starts, "Do you have a sketch book with you or something? I want to see your work."

"Oh! Yeah I do!" Joshua opened his bag and took out a sketch book. He handed it to the president and became nervous in a way. If Minghao was the president then his artwork must be nice.

Minghao opened the sketch book and in a matter of seconds, his eyes widened to the beautiful steches and drawings.

"Woah! You drew this!?" Minghao looked between the book and the artist in shock. "This is nice. Byeol, Jiho, come take a look."

Minghao showed the other two guys and they were both quite shocked.

"These are good hyung!" Jiho says with Byeol nodded beside him.

"Wah..not only are you good, you seriously saved us." Minghao handed the book back to the older.

"What do you mean?" Joshua furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and shoved his sketch book back into his bag.

"Well, if we didn't get a new member in 3 weeks, we would've had to shut down the club which us dumb. The school has a policy for clubs where every club needs at least 4 members." Minghao sighs, "But no one wanted to join the art club so we were seriously losing hope. Until Mr Hwan email me saying that we have a new member. Thank you a lot."

" must take this really seriously. But there's no reason to thank me. I was just curious and art happened to be a hobby of mine." Joshua says, "Let's get rid of this formal talk. We're friends now so we can talk about anything."

"You're so cool hyung." Jiho says.

After that, they decided to just work on random art while talking about simply anything. Friends, interests, crushes. Wait crushes?

"Hyung, who do you like?" Joshua's head immediately flipped to the younger.

"Isn't that too personal." Joshua laughed, patting the back of the other's head.

"Aww..c'mon. Is there anyone you're interested in at this school yet?" Minghao smirked at the older as if Joshua was going to tell him.

"It's only my 3rd day, calm down." Joshua sighed into his chair, "Hmm..but if I had to choose..actually, never mind."

"Huh!? Tell me hyung!" Minghao sulked. Joshua realized that Minghao seemed different when he's talking about art and when he's talking about other things.

When the younger talks about art, he gets excited and happy. When he talks about other things, he's happy, but not too excited. He just acts normal.

"Nah, it's weird to say." Joshua says.

"Is it one of the jocks? That's normal. Everyone likes them." Minghao says.

"Hm? How'd you know I was gay?" Joshua stopped painting for a bit and looked at the other.

"I didn't. Just guessed." Minghao shrugged, trying not to mess up his art. "Ah! Don't worry. I'm pansexual. I won't judge."

"Oh that's nice." Joshua said between laughs. First meeting and they're already coming out to each other.

Suddenly, the bell rung.

"Oh! Time for class. See you guys." Joshua quickly packed his stuff and rushed out of the room after waving goodbye to the other.

He speed walked to his next class and at the corner of the hall, he bumped into someone who seemed to be running.

"Sorry! I didn't-" Joshua looked up at who he had bumped into. "Oh. It's just you."

"How many times are you going to bump into me, Joshuji?" Jeonghan had held onto the younger's waist so Joshua wouldn't fall. "One day, you'll eventually fall for me. Literally."

"Oh shut up Jeonghan." Joshua pushed the older away before anything else happened. "It's not my fault you're always in my way."

"Is that so? Maybe it's fate." Jeonghan flashed a playful smirk.

"Okay bye." Joshua walked away and into his class which was actually nearby.

'Wait a minute..' Joshua thought, 'Why isn't Jeonghan in class? We have the same class. Hm..oh well. Not my problem.'

Author's Note: very lazy chapter but oh well ❤️


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