Chapter 10

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"Hey..Jeonghan. I know you said you were taking me to a restaurant but.."

Jeonghan looked at the younger, raising an eye brow. "Is something wrong with it?"

"No..It's just..did it have to be a fancy one?" Joshua asks, "I feel out of place.."

"It's finee Shuji~" Jeonghan says, "I have connections here so no one will judge you, baby."


"Greetings Mr Jeonghan. May I take your order?" the waiter asked, interrupting Joshua.

"Oh, yes. We'll take two of the special and for dessert.." Jeonghan glanced over at Joshua before answering. "Joshuji, do you want anything specific for dessert?"

"Oh, uh..the chocolate cake please." Joshua says, saying the first thing he saw in the dessert section. Luckily, he likes all desserts.

"Okay, same for me." Jeonghan says as he handed the waiter the menus. "Thank you, Rui."

"You're just gonna scold me after your date." Rui scoffed, jokingly.

"Hey! Not in front of my date!" Jeonghan whined as Rui just walked away. "Sorry about him, Shuji." Jeonghan sighed.

"It's okay." Joshua says. Then it went silent for a bit.

"So..uh...what are you hobbies?" Jeonghan asked, awkwardly. Joshua let out a snort, trying to hold it in.

"I like doing art and playing guitar." Joshua says.

"Oh! You play guitar?" Jeonghan says, interested. "Can you play for me one day?"

"Haha no." Joshua smiled, evilly.

"Whaatt? Whyy.." Jeonghan whined.

"I..I never played in front of someone before.." Joshua says, embarrassingly. "Except my mom of course."

"Then I can be your first. Err..second." Jeonghan says, leaning on the table. "C'mon~ I want to hear you play."

Joshua hesitated, but finally gave in. "Ugh..fine."

They continued to talk about whatever Jeonghan managed to bring up. Hobbies, favorite colors, music choice, all sorts of topics. They kept going and going until the food came out.

"You're food is here." Rui says.

"Thank you." Joshua says, politely while Jeonghan flipped the waiter off while no one else was looking.

"Don't steal my date you ass." Jeonghan says, rolling his eyes.

"Gosh, high schoolers are so rude." Rui says, walking away.

"You sure are close with the waiter, huh?" Joshua asks, picking up his utensils.

"Are you jealous?"

"Go die."

"I was joking baby~" Jeonghan says. "But yeah, his dad owns this place and my dad and his dad are friends. We've practically known each other since early elementary."

"Ohh..that's nice." Joshua says, smiling. He took a bite of the food and his eyes immediately lit up. "Oh my gosh. This is delicious!"

"I know, right?" Jeonghan says also eating his food. "I used to go here a lot with my family."

"Used to?"

"Yeah, we've all just been so busy." Jeonghan shrugged.

"So you don't have anyone at home?" Joshua asks.

"Not really. There's my butlers and maids." Jeonghan says.

"Oh..that's sad. Well, that's a you problem." Joshua says, taking another bite.

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