twenty seven

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billie329 days before

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329 days before

the first thing i noticed when i woke up in jasmine's bed was that her side of the bed was cold and empty.

i frowned my eyebrows and tried to fully wake up, stretching and rubbing my eyes. i looked over at the nightstand to grab my phone, but instead, i found a note.

good morning baby,

i went to buy us some breakfast, i'll be back soon <3



after i read it, i unlocked my phone to check if anything was new. my mom texted me where i am, and i had a lot of missed phone calls.

i always forget to text her.

i quickly called her and she picked up immediately. "billie? are you okay? where are you?" she worriedly asked.

"hi mom, i'm so sorry. i stayed over at jasmine's and i forgot to text you, i was really tired. i'm okay," i assured her. she let out a sigh of relief and cleared her throat.

"i'm glad you're okay but next time text me, okay? i was really worried about you," she told me. i hummed and promised that i will.

"what did you two do that made you tired?"

"um, we went to the park and had a long walk," i lied straight through my teeth. "we got back at like.. 9 pm and then went to sleep immediately after,"

"oh, that must've been so nice!" she excitedly said over the phone. "i'm so glad you found someone who makes you happy. you really needed a friend,"

she doesn't know we're dating yet.

"yeah i know," i scoffed softly. "i'm gonna go now, i have to call jasmine when she's coming back. she went to get breakfast and i'm starving," i groaned. mom laughed and we said our goodbyes.

just as i was about to call jaz, i heard the front door shut close. i got out of bed to greet her, but i was naked and i didn't feel comfortable walking around her house butt-naked.

so instead i quickly went to her closet and grabbed some boxers i found, gray sweatpants, and my favorite hoodie.

i rushed downstairs and the second i saw her, i ran to her and wrapped my legs around her waist, hugging her tightly.

"oh! hi baby," she giggled and kissed the side of my head. "how did you sleep?" she asked and rubbed my thighs.

"i slept okay, i wanted to wake up beside you tho," i mumbled into her neck. "but it's fine, as long as you have my food,"

she chuckled and nodded. "of course; i got your favorite burritos," she said in a teasing tone. i gasped and looked into her eyes, smiling like an idiot.

"you did not!" i tested. she pointed at the table and there was, in fact, a bag from taco bell, along with starbucks and flowers.

and of course, they were pink.

"aww," i pouted. "you didn't have to do that," i kissed her cheek.

"yes i did," she frowned. "you deserve it," she smiled and pecked my nose, making me giggle.

"i love the flowers, by the way. they're beautiful," i murmured and kissed her. "oh wait- i have a morning breath, i'm so sorr-" she cut me off rudely with another kiss on my lips.

"i don't give a fuck," she whispered. "i'm glad you like them," she said and put me on the floor, probably because she knew i was hungry.

"thank you so much for this," i kissed her cheek. she pecked my nose, making me blush and giggle.

"okay let's go eat. i can hear your belly rumbling," she chuckled and carried the bags with food to the kitchen.

"oh shut up," i scoffed. we sat across each other and began to eat. i caught her staring at me multiple times, it made me nervous, and considering the smirk on her lips every time i blushed, she knew it damn well.

"stop staring at me," i said. she scoffed and raised her eyebrows while taking a bite from her burrito.

"why?" she asked and tilted her head slightly to the side. "you're beautiful; i can't stop,"

i shook my head and softly smiled. i decided to just not look at her, because i was blushing like crazy and it started to be annoying.

"so, how did you sleep?" she suddenly asked. if my cheeks weren't burning hot, they were now. i could hear the smirk on her lips.

"really good," i nodded, biting my lips to hide my smile. "still mad at you for not holding me when i woke up, but it's fine i guess," i playfully rolled my eyes.

"yeah, i should've stayed looking back," she admitted. "but we wouldn't be eating burritos if i didn't leave, so..."

"true," i scoffed. "so, i was thinking about coming out to my parents," i informed her.

"you mean telling them we're dating?" she asked. i nodded in response, making her smile. "i'm proud of you!"

"why?" i chuckled. "it's not that big of a deal; i bet everyone will say that they already know," i snorted.

"coming out of the closet is always a big deal, baby. it's a huge part of your life," she explained. "when do you wanna tell them?"

"that's true," i agreed as i thought about it more. "um.. i'm not sure yet, but really soon. for sure before we leave for paris,"

"do you want me to be with you when you do?" she raised her eyebrows. i nodded without any hesitation. her smile grew bigger but tried to hide it.

shortly after we were both done with our breakfast. jasmine washed the dishes, then we went upstairs back to her room.

"what do you want to do now?" she asked as we sat on her bed.

"i dunno," i shrugged. "oh, i do! i wanna cuddle," i teeth smiled at her. she chuckled and laid down against her pillows, opening her arms for me to lay in them.

she has like 6 pillows on her bed.

"if i could be anywhere for the rest of my life, it would have to be your arms," i sighed in contentment. "you're an amazing cuddler,"

"thank you," she softly laughed. "i love cuddling with you, too," she told me and ran her fingers through my hair.

we talked for a bit, then we watched a random show on netflix. not so long after, i could feel my eyes getting heavy. i let myself relax, cuddled up closer to jasmine, and closed my eyes.

she kissed my forehead and turned down the volume.

it took me a while to fall asleep. when i was at the peak of finally falling asleep, i heard jasmine whispering something.

and if i'm not completely deaf, i'm pretty sure she said: "i think i'm falling in love with you".



let's just forget the fact that i didn't update for over a month...

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