𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲-𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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Sitting at the table with Michael glaring at me is not how I imagined the evening to go.

"What are you doing here at eight PM?" The asshole deliberately keeps his voice low as Evelyn cooks dinner in the kitchen.

"Plans that don't involve you."

A sick grin rolls on his face. "It sucks being cockblocked."


"You'd know better since you're walking with blue balls these days."

Apparently Tinsely had kicked him in the crotch when he went to apologize to her after verbally hurting her.

Folding his arms over his chest he relaxes back in the chair. "Touché Archer."

To hide my smirk I drink some wine. Feeling oddly pleased with my comeback.

"I hope you guys are bonding." Evelyn comes carrying the pan of lasagna with her white-strawberry mittens.

"Never heard of that before." Michael takes a fork and aims to dive it into the freshly hot dish when Evelyn slaps his hand and snatches the utensil.

"No touching the food until everyone is seated. You know the rules." Evelyn rebukes, sending a grave stare his way.

"Rules that mom made."

"That we'll follow." Turning around she leaves for the kitchen and Miles follows her. Like a shadow he's always around her.

"Where's the rest of the group?"

The doorbell rings and Evelyn opens it. Connor, Yasmine, Ivan and Declan await on the side. Quickly all of them tickle inside and hang their coats by the door.

For the first time in years, I'm celebrating thanksgiving dinner.

"Hey man." Connor leaves a seat and sits down.

"You're always late." I grumpily remark.

"5-minute rule. You should try it some time." Chortling at my scowl he greets Michael with a smile that he returns with a nod.

"Didn't know you'd be here too Mr. Archer from Archer enterprise." Ivan knows how to piss me off.

"Glad you said the title right. Otherwise his majesty would have been offended." Michael says with a tight smirk.

The dinner hasn't even started and I'm in a foul mood.

"I'm dating Evelyn in case you're suffering from amnesia." Another sip of wine. I want something strong but that's all the alcohol Evelyn keeps around.

Patting his chest Ivan fakes a gasp. "Really? Why the fuck did I wake up?"

Declan laughs along with Connor. Even Michael breaks a smile.

"I can certainly arrange to put you back to sleep." I threaten.

Evelyn brings other items like salad and breadsticks while Yasmine carries two bowls of sauces.

"Why isn't there a turkey?" Connor whispers.

"Because I don't eat animals." Evelyn counterbacks.

"And cheese comes from trees?" He teases her.

"No but I can suffice a pan of lasagna than a whole turkey."

I shoot Connor a glare but he's busy murmuring sweet nothings to Yasmine as she blushes.

"So can we start?" Michael asks impatiently.

"We can't. There's one more person."

"Who's that?"

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