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"밤새도록 이 계절에 너와 내가
You're my baby blue love"



it'd been a hot minute since she'd met with her model friends. with people getting busy during fashion week during the beginning of spring and having photo shoots way more often than anyone expected, they were busy. she'd just walked a show yesterday and man it was stressful as fuck. she hoped that her walk was perfect and flowy compared to.. some others.. in the industry. the freelancer group chat only recently started to be used more since everyone was seeing each other at shows and shoots.

collaboration on it's own unique scale was how she viewed it and it made her laugh. slipping on her ear muffs from her neck, she was running royally late and was gonna get royally in trouble soon if she didn't book it any faster than she already was. curse the fact that she knew this was a 5 minute walk from her apartment complex and was still late.

why did it have to be cold out of all days of the week. she was already wearing short and definitely not cold protective clothing and definitely did not dress for the weather either. how were you supposed to live out your whore life dressed like your mom still dresses you?

stoplights managed to be the slowest things she had to wait through. she needed to desperately cross the street and time was wasting away faster than she imagined. taking her car would've costed so much significantly less than all of this.

feeling her phone buzz, she assumed immediately that they were already asking where she was. she was right in that guess.

cocobutter sent a message

teapot from beauty and the beast sent a message
be fr we know shes late as shit

hyperfixation: ur mom sent a message
dont expect much from a girl that definitely does not care if we died right in front of her

cocobutter sent a message
what if i just ran out in the street right now who would stop me

hyperfixation: ur mom sent a message

being royally out of breath, she spotted the group with the most unpleasant expression. "i'm not fit to run this much in 3 minutes." she muttered as she slowly made her way over to recover from the running she just did. "well look what the cat's brought in." rolling her eyes, she could live without having to deal with their snarky remarks. "clearly not your ex himari." she scoffed, watching the offended and baffled look on her face from her remark. "holy shit, unprovoked and uncalled for and it's barely been a minute guys." seeing the other two snicker and giggle.

it was only light hearted jokes that hit a little too close to home. "stop bringing up my ex! it's not fair that you guys keep bringing him up after he broke up with me." osada himari was one of the girls she encountered that was completely lost. when they first met each other, she found the female wandering around aimlessly before one of the shows not sure what to do and where to go. with some language barriers here and there, they managed to form somewhat of a coherent mutual bond that blossomed into friendship.

she still quite enjoyed the terrified expression when the female had seen the absolute towering shadow that was the huang girl. with their difference in height being pretty significant of 11 centimeter difference between the two of them. respectively. "boo bitch you lost your hot painter boyfriend. sucks to suck loser." draping her arm around the japanese girl, she was rather snappy today. mostly because of the ex boyfriend remarks.

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