16. The Future Has Changed

Start from the beginning

When Lalisa finished speaking she walked right past Dahyun. Dahyun's cry of anguish echoed long into the air, but Lalisa strode forward without stopping.



The next day.

As soon as Lalisa got out of bed, she tied a red handkerchief to the window. She didn't expect to be summoning Jimin so soon. However, she realized a great deal from Dahyun yesterday.

'...The future has changed.'

Dahyub's original path was to work for the family until their deaths, but after Lalisa's return to the past, the maid was dismissed shortly. The past that she remembered and future that would unfold would not be exactly the same. Even more so, the largest departure from what she knew was her saving Jungkook's life. How many years had that changed? She had to know.

Rather than relying on memory, she needed to make a fresh analysis of the imperial family. She would gather the information herself, but yesterday's incident made it difficult for her as a noblewoman to move as freely as she desired. Furthermore, Yerim's men had followed her in the streets, and for what purpose was still a mystery. She thought it safer to keep her head down as much as possible.

Most of all, it was better to stay indoors to silence the idle rumors. So the correct course of action was Jimin. She would use him to retrieve information from the outside.

'I hope he's as capable as Kookie said...'

After glancing out the window, Lalisa turned her head around again. She had a lot of work today as well.

After completing her routine morning exercises, Lalisa summoned all the servants of the household. They all packed into the widest central hall. Lalisa stepped forward and scanned the faces of her employees one by one, then spoke in an unfaltering voice.

"I heard an incredible rumor yesterday."

At the mention of the rumor the servants avoided each other's gazes. Judging from their reaction, everyone seemed to know what exactly what Lalisa meant. Lalisa didn't intend to speak for long and immediately got to the point.

"The person who spread those words against me was sent away yesterday."

Murmuring began to rise from the servants, but Lalisa lifted her hand to command them to fall silent.

"Let me be clear. If you intend to continue working for House Blaise, don't be fooled by this gossip. If this story comes to my ears again, be prepared to leave."

It was a warning, but the manner which she delivered it was still dignified. For a moment everyone was as silent as a dead mouse, then the senior butler answered in reply.

"Understood, My Lady. I was going to tell you myself but you handled it well. If I see anything else like this, I'll notify you right away."

"Yes, please. Report to me and I will dismiss them right there."

"I'll be sure to take care of it."

Lalisa turned back and spoke in a clear voice to the servants, who were looking back at her with anxious eyes.

"Now that I have clearly warned you, I will have no more mercy."

The servants answered all at once, bending their heads.

"Understood, My Lady."

After Lalisa heard the chorus of affirmation, she nodded her head. She didn't want to make threats, but it was difficult to keep them from talking otherwise. Furthermore, there were so many people to keep quiet. She had to deal with it as much as she could before it leaked outside. The servants still had their heads bowed down, and Elena spoke to them again.

"You are all dismissed."

As soon as her voice finished ringing in the air, all of the servants returned to their respective duties. No one whispered and no one was out of place.

The butler, who was watching quietly, turned to Lalisa.

"You have done well, My Lady."

"Thank you. And thank you for your help. If anyone says anything, please do as you said. I'll leave it to you to keep the story from spreading."

"I will, My Lady."

That was how the Lady Blaise started her day. After a simple breakfast, Lalisa sat at her desk, looking over the documents she needed to take care of. Roseanne wanted to go to a jewelry store, so she had to look at their budget.

She also took the opportunity to dig out more information about this world. Because House Blaise was not near the capital, there was no information on the imperial family in the documents, but there was a wealth of them on the southern provinces. She stared blankly at the papers, then figured she could learn new things about the south that she had never known about before.

Suddenly there was a knock on her door. She didn't anticipate anyone visiting her at this time, and she answered with a puzzled look on her face.

"Come in."

As soon as she finished speaking, the door opened and a man entered the room. He had dark blue hair and pale skin. It was Jimin.

As soon as he entered Lalisa's jaw dropped, despite the fact that she had summoned him. It had been less than a few hours since she hung the handkerchief. Above all, she couldn't believe he was in Blaise Castle.

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