Ch 23: Feelings

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Through a tracker, we found Adria's location, or so we guessed. The signal disappeared after she crossed a particular area and eventually vanished as if she never existed. We knew she was nearby, probably within a concealed ship or island. Nevertheless, the plan continued. We would wait three days for her return and if she did not, then we would proceed to break through with force.

War dogs were deployed to taste the perimeters; see if there was a place we could break through. With the help of our A.I., Griot delivered a thorough summary of what it managed to find; it was an island and its walls reflected light which worked as a mirror. The technology was similar to what we had back home some time ago, and so it appeared it would be hard to simply take it down with force. There was an interesting finding, underneath seemed not to have any sort of protection as some part of the island near the beach was hollow.

In the meantime, we were stationed on a beach in Haiti, in one of the royal aircraft. Namor had delivered a message the day before and we were now considering a second plan in case my sister would react differently. She couldn't reach me nor I could pick up her signal; all we had to do was wait.

"If their weak point is under the island, I could easily break in."

Namor pointed out. I took that into consideration, but then again, it could be dangerous.

"Not by yourself."

"I could easily check; come in and out before the royal talon comes near."

"Still. We don't know what type of equipment they have guarded the island with. Our A.I. doesn't reach that far in order to debilitate or hack any of their weapons... I need to work on that."

Namor sat on a spot and rubbed the bridge of his nose. Attuma stood nearby, watching how I worked on enhancing the communication range in the lab station. There was a lot to do, and a lot to plan. So many what-ifs that we haven't even considered before—

"Eh, why the mood so sour?"

Asked Aneka, sighing out loud. Okoye gave her the side eye and pressed her lips on a thin line.

"We aren't here to play."

Okoye snapped, crossing her arms over her chest as she sunk into her seat.

"Hm, yes, but nothing comes out right when we are all grumpy. Eh, Shuri, I heard there will be important preparations in the near future. What's all about?"

The wedding.

"Nothing important."

"Lies. I heard the girls talking about it. I can't believe I'm the only one who does not know what happens around here."

"That is because you're distracted half of the time."

Okoye murmured while Attuma took a seat by her side, placing his elbows on his knees as he seemed lost in thought.

"See? I didn't know you two were dating. And I do not know of the things the princess must do. Ah Bast, why am I even here."

Okoye rolled her eyes at her, although I knew she wanted to laugh at her partner's illustrious comments.

"We can't be so sure of the wedding just yet."

The general said, slapping a hand over her mouth and carefully glancing back at me, speaking through her widened eyes. Apologizing in silence.

"You are marrying?"

Namor asked, both eyebrows risen.

"Of course not. Who would I marry anyways?"

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