Ch 7: Convocation

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Long ago, there was a little mermaid who had fallen in love with the outside world. She would sneak out of her home at night and glance at the boats that carried laughter, and music. Female land dwellers danced in the arms of their lovers while their hair flowed through the wind like feathers on a bird. The little mermaid desired to live like them, so she went to the witch of her kingdom and asked her to teach her how to breathe air. The little mermaid achieved her goal at the cost of not being able to return home. The sun felt foreign against her skin along with the wind, and the sound of birds was music to her ears like the songs of whales. Upon lifting her eyes, she met the most handsome man she had ever seen, and when he met her, he had seen the most beautiful woman ever.

The fairy tale said that although their love was genuine, the world couldn't forgive an unnatural bond. Beings from opposite worlds could not coexist in such harmony, so the world decided to separate them by making the little mermaid sick. The man looked everywhere for a cure but couldn't help her; the world consumed her and turned her into sea foam.

I often wondered if that fairy tale could hold some truth as I saw Shuri and Namor struggle to coexist. Their worlds had collided in a gruesome way and no matter how much they would try to have harmony with each other, something or someone would stir things up.

The elders had already made up their minds and would argue nonstop with the princess. Everyone else could simply listen and wait for the king's final order.

"What makes you think that Namor didn't bring that fish into our river?"

One elder asked. Shuri stood tall and confident as she explained how he wouldn't have dared to do such a foolish move.

"Namor almost exposed himself by saving my sister and a little girl. Why would he bring a large fish, then kill it on the spot?"

She asked, trying to change their minds.

"Perhaps because he knows he can't win Wakanda's full trust due to the assassination of the late Queen, but by playing hero, he can potentially change all of us."

Another elder explained.

"We have joined forces with Talokan for six years. What makes any of you think that Namor is going to betray us now? He would be the one at loss by deceiving us. We have been working together to figure out where these monsters come from. We have been stuck in my lab day and night trying to come up with answers and he has swum the entire ocean to help us succeed... how then is he the culprit?"

Shuri was furious at their many comments against Namor, and wouldn't back off till they understood that he was indeed their ally and it wasn't a pretend game. I knew he would never deceive us.

The princess had grown so much since she first became the Black Panther. Shuri was our protector and we all trusted her with our lives, but lately, the elders had trouble finding worth in her words.

During the first year of her reign as our protector, Shuri and Namor fought whenever they saw each other. Their relationship was nothing but enemies forced to collaborate. She played it cool in front of the council, but deep inside her, she resented him, causing her to shut herself from the world in her lab.

Eventually, Shuri and Namor's connection grew into something magical. They were so different and similar; like soulmates.

Shuri started to come out, and travel, and eventually, she was out of the country more often than at home. The elders began to lose any sort of respect they had for the princess; they said she had abandoned her country and duty as our protector. Little did they know that Shuri was taking care of delicate matters overseas, but that secret isn't for me to tell.

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