"There is a traitor in our midst. Someone who things he's above the rules. This prisoner had admitted to spearheading a rebellion." The Warden as the troopers dragged Negan in front of the group. "Any co-conspirators will be given the benefit of the doubt. I trust they were not acting of their free will. So, only he will be punished." He pointed at Negan, who spat a mouth full of blood at him with a smirk. "But it's important that you're all here to see. To remember."

Violet who was standing near Max do a large wave of déjà vu as Annie broke awya from the troopers who were holding her and ran towards her husband. "Negan!"

"No, Annie, don't!" Kelly shouted as a trooper grabbed a hold of her.

"Hey, hey, it's okay." Negan told his wife who started sobbing.

"No, no." The dark skinned woman sobbed, looking desperately at her husband.

"I love you." He smiled at her.

"Get him on his knees!" The Warden sneered, as his troopers shoved Negan to his knees. He then looked at Max. "Being him as well."

"No, no!" Ally screamed, shooting forward before stumbling onto the ground when her legs gave out. "No, not him!"

Max was grabbed by to troopers and lead to where Negan was kneeling and shoved to the ground next to him. Troopers pulled Alice up holding her back like Annie as the Warden ignored the women. "This is what happens when your forget your place! Take your positions."

"No!" Annie and Alice cried as all troopers lined up and aimed their guns at their husband and boyfriend. "Don't let him do this! No!"

"Ready. Aim..." The Warden suddenly stopped and walked over to the women. "There are no martyrs here."

"No! No!" Negan yelled as the man grabbed his wife and Alice. "That wasn't our deal!"

"Leave her alone! No!" Max shouted with the man as they both struggled against the rope that was tied around their hands.

"Take me! Take me!" Negan screamed as Alice and Annie were shoved down next to their husband and boyfriend.

"You will feel this punishment!" The Warden snarled.

"That's is not what you said! No! You take me! Just me!" Negan shouted, not wanting Max, Alice, or Annie to die.

The Warden ignored him and to his troopers to ready and aim, Negan continued to scream for them just to take him as Ezekiel came out in front of them with his hands raised.

"What are you doing?" Negan asked.

"Buying us time." Zeke replied as snow fall around them. All of Alexandria followed him and surrounded Negan, Annie, Alice, and Max.

"I admire your bravery, prisoners." The Warden said, before looking at his troopers. "Shoot them all."

"You don't have to do this." Zeke spoke, trying to buy them sometime. "This world is broken, but we don't have to be."

Suddenly a gunshot went off and the Warden dropped dead, revealing Sally and Cassie behind him. A trooper turned their gun on her and went to shoot her when he was shot even before he only lift his gun.

RULE THE WORLD | D.DIXONWhere stories live. Discover now