Chapter 10- Look At What You've Gotten Yourself Into

Start from the beginning

M: " Well that's part of being a good parent. "

JM: " Since when did you become a supportive being? "

M: " Since Now. "

Mom chuckled, but even that wouldn't stop her from being the most worried person in the world. Should we inform his friends? I think Mom knows the condition Jake is in that he wouldn't be the best out there all by himself. He probably wouldn't last a few days.

- The Next Day -

- Hailey's POV -

H: " Bye Mom! I am going to school now! "

Z: " Wait! Hailey! "

H: " Yes, Zander? "

Z: " School is cancelled today. "

H: " Why? I don't see any snow outside. "

Z: " Well the school district sent everyone an email saying that the police are investigating the school. Apparently someone went missing. So they need to search for clues. "

H: " Who went missing? "

Z: " The email never said. But I'm sure it's on the news right now. "

H: " We never got an alert on our phones did we? "

Z: " Well we did, but your phone died last night didn't it? And I got a strange alert? "

H: " Oh Yeah. Well, let's go look on the news. I am going to call Milly and Sean and check if they weren't the ones to go missing. "

Z: " Trust me, it wasn't Milly. Sean on the other hand, he has pretty sh_tty parents so I would understand his case. Lukes fine by the way. "

H: " I know Luke is fine, you were talking to him all last night. "

Z: " Why can't our rooms just be across the house from each other? "

H: " We were literally the ones to pick out our rooms. "

Z: " Whatever, we are getting off track. Call Sean already! I am going to go watch the news, you should come with. "

H: " Alright. "

I really hope someone I know went missing. That would literally be the end of me. Come on, Sean.. Pick up! Why isn't Sean picking up!?

H: " Zander, I called Sean like 3 times now... He hasn't picked up. "

Z: " Of course it isn't Sean. I was just talking to him. "

H: " Wha- You're such a b_tch! "

And then he laughed. But what we saw on the news suddenly dropped our smiles, along with our hearts. Jake Sterling? Missing? I could tell Zander was too in shock to pay attention to anything. I don't get why he is sad about it, he practically almost rips Jake's throat out every time we see him, or at least that's the way it used to be. At the same time, I am overwhelmed with sadness, fear, and guilt. I don't understand why, I just do. Perhaps it's because I snapped at him. Maybe it's because I didn't let him explain. Maybe he wanted to tell me something, but he was too afraid to. So he stayed home for a week. He had already been missing this past week, well not exactly. In the form of not telling anyone from school where you are, that would be considered missing in some people's eyes. I think he was waiting to tell me something after school, but everyone was giving him death stares for the 15 minutes, until he left. I can't help but feel bad. This was our fault, wasn't it? No. It was MY fault. The least I can do is help out. But, I can't. I don't know how. Wait-

H: " Zander, you still have Jake's number, right? "

Z: " Uhh- Yeah. Why? "

H: " Can't you track him down? "

Z: " Oh yeah. Don't you have his number? "

H: " I blocked it, remember? You were practically begging me to. "

Z: " Whatever, let's go. It says he's... at the school. "

H: " Well then let's go! "

Z: " Uhh- I don't think you remembered that the police are already there and have probably found his phone? "

H: " Well it's worth a shot! "

Z: " Why do you care so much now? You didn't before? "

H: " Because it just hit me in the head that he was pushed to say those words. How the hell would it get recorded if no one was pressuring him to say that stuff. "

Z: " Okay. You have a point there. Let's go now! "

- At The School -

- " Woah woah woah, kids. You can't be here right now. "

H: " I'm sorry. Have you found his phone yet? The one that lies in this very school? "

- - sigh -

H: " That's what I thought. Now lets go, Zander. "

- Milly's POV -

M: " Hey Sean. Did you know that some kid went missing last night? "

S: " Milly that wasn't just some kid! They probably had a loving family. "

M: " You're just jealous. Anyways, do you know who it was? "

S: " No, I could probably ask Hailey or Zander. They seem to know this kid. "

M: " Call them! Call them! Call them! "

S: " Okay, Chill! I'll call them. "

M: " YAY! "

H: " Sean? Why did you call? "

S: " Milly wants to know who the missing kid is. Pretty sure you know, by the way. "

Z: " It might cause you harm if we tell you. "

M: " Awh come on! It can't be that bad! It's not like it's Luke or anything. "

H: - sigh -

Z: " It's Jake. He's the missing ' kid. ' "

S+M: " WHAT!? "

But... Jake can't be missing? He can't be! HE CAN'T BE MISSING! He was one of the most idiotic person I have ever met, but he would never just go missing like that! Why does it hurt me more now than me not knowing where he is for a week? I mean I don't have any classes with him so I didn't really notice. But Jake going missing? Hah, don't make me laugh! I mean it would be best to try and make me laugh, because now I am crying. I won't laugh again until I find out what happened to Jake Sterling.

- Jake's POV -

Ughh... How long has it been? I can't tell from the sky. Well it definitely isn't nighttime anymore, that's for sure. I wish I had my cheez-itz. I didn't eat anything but a few licks of that ice cream yesterday. I am hungry as hell. But I don't want to waste all of my energy screaming for help, but I literally cannot stand. That's the bad thing about breaking your foot, is if you're in a dangerous situation, you can't stand up and pull yourself out of it. Which is why I am gonna be here forever and is probably gonna die. Oh my Goodness Jake. Look At What You've Gotten Yourself Into


Word Count: 1,784

Total Word Count:17,593

A/N: Ehheheh I got this done at 4am- Uhh don't ask why I was up at that time, I just was. Also Jake there may be no way of getting out of this one, sorry to tell ya buddy. Just imagine getting stuck in a 12 feet hole with a broken foot and you only have water, no people are with you. Do you really think you could get out..?
Also this chapter seems very unplanned out. I did plan it out, just the stuff I had written looks a little... choppy to say the least-

Oh Lord please help me- my brain LOVES angst like this

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