Daryl told him how this was going to play out before Sally took Negan by the arm and dragged him away from the group, away from prying eyes. She started to whisper to the man, hastily, before giving him a note. The look of Negan's face was priceless when Sally suddenly sucker-punched him in the face, leaving a mark on his cheek.

Everyone got in position as Daryl, Max, and Negan went to their positions. A small herd of walkers that Negan had gather attacked two of the troopers that were patrolling the area. The man slide two of the guns and a walkie talkie towards a van before hopping into another vehicle and took off.

The door of the van opened, revealing Daryl who picked up a gun, handed it to his son before picking up the walkie and the other gun. Max opened his side of the door while his dad closer his side, as they waited for Hornsby.

When the shithead came to where they were, Hornsby got out of his car and shouted into a walkie. "Does anyone have eyes on that goddamn car?!" He pointed to one of his trooper's that was hooking up a radio. "Fire it up! We need to get a message to the Commonwealth!"

"I don't think this signal is strong enough." The trooper tried to tell Hornsby.

"Dial in now!" Hornsby snapped as he grabbed the handled speaker. "Calhoun! Come in! Do your read? Contingency protocol on Daryl and Max Dixon. Aar—" The radio went to static. "Alright, go find a goddamn signal and get a message home. If that car shows up, make sure our people are on the wall, ready."

The trooper nodded. "Yes, sir."

"Shoot to kill!" Hornsby shouted before one of his trooper was shot and killed.

He let out a scream when he was shot in the arm as gunfire erupted around him. Max shot a few rounds as the walkie they had spoke. "We have visual on the stolen vehicle heading westbound."

Hornsby's voice replied. "Take it down! Then find the rest! If this gets back to Milton or Mercer, we're eighty-sixed. We contain this now!"

Max and Daryl shared a look before firing their guns at the troopers, killing two more of them. They ducked for cover, before hurrying back in the van when Hornsby and his troopers made their way towards them. The father and son slipped out of the van and rushed over to Hornsby's truck, getting into it.

His dad took off with Hornsby and his troopers shooting at them. Daryl drove towards the intersection where Negan was supposed to come from, and rammed the truck into Hornsby's troopers. Max got out of the car, round it and watched as Negan disappeared from their sighting, heading towards the Commonwealth.

The father and son hurried off and met up with Maggie as they walked down a alleyway before they rushed down into a lower staircase, hiding from the incoming troopers.

"Where are the others?" Max asked, standing between his dad and Maggie.

"They'll be here." Maggie answered before looking at Daryl. "Daryl, what...what you did back there...I know that Leah meant something to you. I'm...sorry."

Daryl looked at her with seriousness in his eyes. "She's doesn't matter anything to me. Not after almost killing my son. You...neither of you ever have to be sorry. Not to me." The redneck notice the others coming into view. "Hey! Hey! Psst! Anything?"

The seven of them came down and crowed into the small staircase as Gabe replied. "He's dug in up ahead with half his men. We wouldn't get close."

"The others are flanking us from behind." Aaron added. "We should go east before they pin us in."

"Is there any way to get behind them?" Maggie asked.

Sally shook her head. "Not without them spotting us."

"Unless they never see us coming." Annie says as she pointed to the sewer.

When they were in the sewers, Sally looked like she's seen a ghost, the part of her face that they could see was pale as paper. Maggie made eye contact with her, nodding in reassurance as they continued farther into the sewer.

They came to stop in what looked at be a old rundown camp as Annie spoke. "If we keep going that way, we should come up right behind them."

A Walker growled and stumbled towards them as Daryl pipped in. "Maybe we can get them to come down here to us."

They all looked at each other before Gabe raised his gun and fire a few rounds at the ceiling. After Daryl and Sally tied the Walker with ropes, they all hid, waiting for Hornsby and his men to come down and when they finally did, Aaron and Annie took out the two men.

"Okay, this ends now." Hornsby says, storming into the area with his gun aimed at Aaron and Annie.

Daryl and Sally out from behind Hornsby as the troopers surround the other pair. The redneck grabbed the shithead and held a knife to his throat as the rest of his people came out where they were hiding, all of them aiming their guns the troopers.

"Put the guns down!" Sally shouted. "Put them down now!" She turned to Hornsby, pointing her gun to his head. "Tell them! Do it!"

"Weapons down!" Hornsby told his troopers as more of his men came in.

None of his men listened to him as they all continued to aim their weapons at Max's people. However, the troopers did when a familiar of Mercer bellowed. "Everyone! Stand down!"

The troopers cleared a path for Mercer, the Governor, Carol, and Negan. Daryl spun Hornsby around and shoved him up against a crate with his knife against the man's throat.

"You heard him." Pamela Milton stood before Daryl and Sally. "Lower your weapon. This is not just about you. I need him alive."

Mercer stepped forwards when Daryl didn't move. "Dixon, not here...and not like this."

"You're choosing this piece of shit?" Daryl snarled.

"If I was, you'd already be down." Mercer says.

"Do what you fuckin' gotta do." Daryl sneered not letting Hornsby go.

This time Carol stepped forwards. "Daryl."

Daryl finally looked away from Hornsby, his Dixon blues eyes were like flames of rage. "What have you done?"

"I made a deal for us." The woman replied, causing Daryl to look back at Hornsby and let him go.

Hornsby glared at him, straightening up before his wrist was grabbed by Daryl and slammed against the crate. Daryl stabbed his knife into the shithead's palm making Hornsby scream out in pain.

Pamela looked shocked as Daryl out his knife causing Lance to cry out again. The redneck walked forward the Governor with Sally followed and said. "Don't worry. He'll live."

RULE THE WORLD | D.DIXONWhere stories live. Discover now