==> Dave: Yell At Your Boyfriend

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"Karkat!" Dave was pissed. Heartbroken really but it just wasn't the time for curling up and crying. He could see the scurrying of trolls underneath him and could only assume what they were thinking. Fists clenched he flew around the palace, glaring into every window. He was raw-dogging vision right now, no sunglasses due to Beforus' night mode. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the glint of glass and like a moth to a flame, immediately flew to it. From inside he heard something he didn't understand but by god did he recognize the voice. "KARKAT." He grabbed the window and roughly threw it open more, coming face to face with a terrified Karkat. He crossed his arms, floated in, and stared him down.

"Dave I'm so sorry, I had to." Karkat said as he pulled a couple pieces of furniture in front of the door as an added precaution. When he finally looked back at Dave he noticed his eyes seemed to be glowing in anger. Maybe that was just the moonlight or maybe he was actually that angry.

"First of fuckin' all, what the FUCK dude? Second SPEAK ENGLISH." Karkat threw his hands up and nodded quickly.

"I-I said I'm sorry.I had to come back."

"Why." Karkat blinked.


"Yes. Why did you have to come back? What the FUCK is the reason?"

"Dave please keep your voice down—"

"No! Fuck you! I want you to enlighten me, Karkat. I want to know the reason for running out on me while I'm asleep. The reason for running away back to this shit ren-faire." Karkat stayed silent, his mind slowly attempting to form an actual reason. What could he say? He came here to stop hurting his friends, to stop hurting Dave? He came here because no matter what something still told him he didn't belong? Those were all shit reasons that could be easily shot down by anyone. So with nothing, Karkat simply stayed silent, staring down at Dave's feet. "Karkat, please. I just need a reason for all this." More silence. Dave sighed and ran a hand through his hair before speaking again. " Karkat. You're fucking twelve. That's the only conceivable explanation. You're stubborn and tunnel-visioned and no matter what you won't change your mind. You're scared of change even after a year and you'll do anything to get things back the way they were because that's what you're used to!" Dave was yelling much to Karkat's dismay, but that didn't stop him. He floated over the troll and went on. "This stupid fucking room," he gestured to Karkat's respiteblock, "is your twelve years old douche version of the bat cave. This is where you convene at the end of the day because it's safe and nice and familiar. This goddamn MESS of a room is your stupid batcave and everyone around here is a part of your shitty clique and all you assholes care about is being the most popular douche with way too much Axe sprayed on!!"

"Dave..." Karkat stepped forward slowly and cautiously. "With all due respect, I have no fucking clue what you're saying. But please try to keep your voice—"

"DO NOT FUCKING TELL ME TO SHUT UP, KARKAT VANTAS." Karkat jumped and waved his hands frantically.

"Okay! Okay! Let's just calm— uh, let's just please use our inside voices?" Dave glared down at him, ignoring what he said.

"You're a stupid little douchebag who keeps doing the wrong thing because you refuse to learn any better!! You're a shit-faced pissy pants dickwad and you should totally feel terrible for this." Was Dave going too far? Yeah probably. Was he going to regret it? Most likely. But by god did this feel great and by god did he fucking deserve this. After what Karkat pulled? Yeah Dave was allowed to be a little mean.

"Dave please. Let's just do what you tell me to do when you want me to calm down."

"Excuse me? That's COMPLETELY DIFFERENT!! I'm more than allowed to be upset and yell 'cause I just found out my fuckin' boyfriend is a stupid idiot with a powdered brain swishin' 'round his skull."

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