==> Dave: Begin the Process

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"Is he ready?" Dave asked from just outside the front door. Sollux nodded before calling over his shoulder in Alternian. "Cool cool. Uh...anything I should know?"

"Dave if I had made so much as a scrape of progress in getting his thinkpan back together I would've told you. Best this insufferable bulge-muncher and I were able to do is make him sad and feel like a burden. Hopefully you'll do better." The words were said with an obvious undertone of disappointment. Dave nodded and assured Sollux he did the best he could. "But he does freak out a lot. Seriously, sometimes he's like a statue who gained consciousness only to be angry that it's now aware of the world around him."

"I'll be fine. I'm the god of time and a pro at avoiding violence in my own home. Seriously though, thanks for the heads up on that." Some shuffling was heard inside before Karkat and Equius finally made it into his line of sight.

Dave had to fight the urge to run over and hug him since he knew it'd probably freak the small troll out but fuck, Dave missed Karkat so much. He missed him even more these past couple weeks knowing that he was just over at Sollux's and yet he couldn't go see him. He was more than surprised that Karkat had asked to stay with Dave of all people. Last time they saw each other Karkat tried to kill him before lumping him in the scary and untrustworthy pile. This was great though, Dave thought it was. He wanted to help this weird and fucked up alien cavalier and by god was the universe giving him the opportunity to do so.

Karkat was gripping onto Equius's arm tightly, his claw-like nails digging into grey skin but the indigo blood didn't seem to mind. He spoke quietly to Karkat, even going as far to leaning down a bit. Karkat kept his head lowered and continued staring down at the ground, nodding once Equius was done and walked towards Dave. Karkat still didn't look up.

Sollux bade farewell to his friend, going as far as tentatively hugging him. Karkat stiffened and for a second the air shifted, the other two were getting ready for a sudden flick of the switch, but nothing happened. Nothing would've happened, not to Sollux at least. Instead Karkat hesitantly hugged his friend back, holding him close and tight. Equius offered Karkat a hug as well but he declined and opted for a handshake. He knew Equius had probably gone way past his limit a long time and Karkat was grateful he even agreed to this whole thing in the first place.

The door closed and that was that. Dave was alone with Karkat now and he didn't know what to do. His so desperately wanted to reach his hand over and interlock their fingers but he stopped himself and instead walked beside him slowly. The two made their way out of Sollux's apartment complex and outside into the bustling streets. Karkat stayed quiet the entire walk to Dave's own shitty apartment and this silence killed Dave. He wanted to talk to Karkat, to hear him talk. He wanted to hold him and cry and never let him go. He wanted to vent and talk about what he felt during the entire time his boyfriend was gone but he couldn't do any of that. Not now at least.

"So...I got Kanaya to bring over one of those giant slime pod things for you to sleep in. Since I know you don't really like laying down on an actual bed and shit. She didn't even need help bringing it in." Karkat stayed quiet. "We put it in my room, pushed the bed aside and everything. But I'll be sleeping in the living room so..." More silence. "I uh, I also got you some 'Welcome Home' gifts. Just a little something something to help you ease your way back into the swing of things." Karkat grunted what Dave hoped was a thank you but he wasn't too sure.

Once they arrived at Dave's small apartment building he led Karkat upstairs and ushered him in. Karkat wasted no time in walking straight to the human's small couch and sat down, back straight and as rigid as could be. The Knight of Time cleared his throat awkwardly and sat down a safe distance from his friend. Neither of them spoke for a while and just sat there marinating in the awkward silence between them. Dave was the one to finally break the tension.

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