==> John: Help Your Friends

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Karkat was just numbly staring at the wall, not talking or moving or maybe even blinking. It was the next day already and Dave had just popped in to check on Karkat for the fifth time in the past hour and a half. Dave was worried, now he really didn't know what to do. He didn't want to leave Karkat alone anymore. What if he freaks out and thinks he sees blood and thinks he killed someone again? What if next time it's worse? Fuck, Dave didn't know what to do.

"Do you want to talk about it?" The albino asked timidly, already knowing the answer. Karkat shook his head and Dave stopped there. "Okay...but uh, just let me know alright? I'm here for you dude. Seriously. I'm here." Karkat nodded numbly and Dave stood up, walking out of his room to give Karkat some space. He wanted to do something, but he didn't know what. He pondered the idea of calling Sollux and Equius over, but something in his gut told him that was a terrible and probably dangerous idea. Kanaya? No...someone different so Karkat would be able to relax and slowly reconnect with his friends. Someone new to distract him from the horrors of troll hell. But who...?


"Hey John." Dave hugged his friend tightly as he entered the apartment. "He's in the other room but before we start any epic reunion between long lost haters—"

"That was dumb."

"I know. Forgive me but I've been too preoccupied with some pretty important business to allow the creative juices to flow freely. Just uh, keep your voice down. He gets startled pretty easily and I don't exactly think either of us want him freakin' out or anything."

"No problem! So, what exactly is it you needed me, or I guess wanted me to do?"

"I don't fuckin' know man, just...talk to him. Be friends with him. Use your goofball charm. I just...I want him to feel safe and calm and shit. I told you what happened earlier right?" John shook his head. "Well I found him in the living room, curled up into a little ball and wailing that there was blood everywhere and he just killed someone." John frowned and tried to peek inside of Dave's room.

"Why do you think I'll be able to help? He's always sort of hated me. Or at least I annoyed him to some extent. What if I just set him off again?" Dave shook his head.

"You won't. At least I think you won't. I dunno, kind of hopin' his old hate boner for you trumps all other feelings and he can finally catch a break from what I'm pretty sure is a constant shitstorm in his mind. If he starts to get crazy just try to get out. Honestly he hasn't gone crazy feral since that first day he got here so I'm pretty confident nothing'll happen. But on the hopefully slim chance he does try anythin', just for you I'll break my unbreakable vow and I'll just freeze him so you can go home. Deal?" The buck-toothed boy nodded hesitantly and together they slowly walked to Dave's room.

"Hey buddy..." Dave said stepping into the room. Karkat remained still as a statue. "You remember John right? He came to visit you. Isn't that cool?" Karkat didn't respond and Dave lightly pushed John in. John had to admit, he was a bit nervous.

"Hey Karkat! Long time no see huh dude?" Karkat sighed in quiet annoyance. Clearly ignoring them wouldn't make them go away. He looked up and over at John for a moment before scooting slightly to the side, giving John room to actually sit down. "So uh, how you been? You look better than when I first saw you!" Karkat shrugged. Oh yeah, this was going well. Dave kept mentally reassuring himself that this was going to be fine. He just needed to leave them alone so they could really throw down some presumably epic dialogue about god knows what. So he left, going into the kitchen to fix them all up an appropriate hanging-out-with-your-bros snack. It was about time Karkat ate something anyway.

"So," John continued, "did you know that Dave's going to technically be my son soon? Roxy and I are engaged so my best friend is going to have to call me 'dad' or some shit! Weird huh?" Another shrug. "Oh, fuck, that's right. You're a troll, you don't...have families like humans. Do you remember what a dad is? Oh fuck you probably don't even remember what marriage is either--"

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