==> Accidental, Unintentional, Completly Unforseen Friendship

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It was like... two gigantic red light bulbs with small rings of deep purple in the middle were peering down at him , blinding him. But Karkat knew better. He was staring straight into the huge eyes of a monster, iris' literally vibrating with such intensity it was a miracle he could actually see anything clearly. The giant mass of messy hair was filled with more blood, bones, and body parts than a morgue after a particularly nasty ten car pile up. The traditional white juggalo paint that decorated The Purple Blood's face was smeared and mixed with a rainbow of blood. His clothes were ripped and the shredded fabric hung off his gigantic frame with the threat of falling right off . he was huge, of course he was huge. Karkat expected no less from the hemospectrum's designated killing machine but almost eight feet was a bit too tall for him being this young. All of this was scary as fuck but nothing made Karkat want to lay down with his head between his knees more than the weapon this guy lugged around. A huge club as thick as a tree trunk , a mix of broken swords sticking through them with chunks of scalp stuck onto and between them. They rotted and brought the stench of death wherever Gamzee went, a warning to anyone who gets seen.

This didn't matter right now. Karkat already had a plan to get through this as safely as possible. Gamzee's weapon was heavy and he liked to fuck around with his prey. Karkat could win only if he paid enough attention to his enemy's attacks. He needed a clear mind for total concentration, he needed to focus like he's never focused before. But he couldn't. No, a certain cerulean blood was standing just behind her deranged darling and she looked way too smug right now. Though she held no weapon in her hand, her mind was a threat. The hardest thing he ever had to do while on Beforus was train his thinkpan to fight against the Persuaders mind control. Not going to get too much into it because the very thought of his thinkpan training was enough to give Karkat a headache but just picture having to think really really hard for about fourteen hours straight. If he failed to block her controlling grip on his mind she could have Karkat march right up to Her Imperial Radiance and slice her head off in front of everyone and no one would be able to stop him.

"Relax Peacekeeper." She spoke in a sickeningly sweet voice but her eyes held nothing but mischievous malice. Vriska stepped forward and took hold of Gamzee's giant arm. "We haven't come to do you any harm, have we my dear jester?" The giant troll shook his head, small fragments of bone falling out of his hair. "Forgive us for intruding on your walk home, but my dear matesprit and I have only come to deliver a message to you."

"No thanks. I don't want any message you have to deliver me, bitch." The Purple Blood growled and raised his club ever so slightly but his matesprit raised her hand, stopping him.

"Oh, but you will just loooooooove to hear this little message from us. Trust me." The Persuader smiled maliciously, clapping her hands together. "You see, you have a small secret. A secret you've been keeping from the Empire. One that you've lied about to the two idiots you work for. And I know it." The Peacekeeper tensed up, his mind instantly flashing a picture of Sollux's face. "If I recall the Warlorde knows your matesprit to be that blind girl. What's her name? Terezi Pyrope?" Two sickles popped out of thin air and landed into the Peacekeeper's waiting hands. Growling, he held his weapons in front of him. Vriska didn't so much as flinch.

"She is. Leave her the fuck alone before I slice you to hell." Vriska laughed. She fucking laughed.

"Is she? Is the Blind Prophet really in your flushed quadrant? Or is it maybe someone else. Someone..." The Persuader twirled a lock of her hair, pausing for a moment of faux thought. "Perhaps someone who works closely with the Empress. Someone who helped build her homes, who knows them inside and out."

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