==> Karkat: Try Not To Kill Another Matesprit

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It was an honest mistake. It really was. Anyone could've made that very same mistake. Anyone hiding a potentially dangerous (though not really) alien in his room could've made the very same mistake Karkat made. At least that's what Dave kept trying to convince himself as he was being violently dragged through a strange place, his face covered and his hands and legs were tied up, as aliens dug their sharp claw-like nails into his skin and yelled in their weird alien language. It was terrifying but Karkat would stop them and take Dave home soon enough. Right?

Dave hit what felt like a corner and groaned loudly in pain. The trolls that were dragging him away thought that to be some sort of threat so naturally they gave him a nice kick to the ribs. The albino wheezed as quietly as he possibly could in this situation. He was really hoping Karkat was somewhere nearby. Maybe he was around the corner? Yeah. He was there, with his sickles in hand all ready to jump these two. He'd probably kick their asses. Yell at them or some shit. Then he'd take Dave back to his room and untie him, maybe give him some weird alien medicine for all the cuts and bruises he was getting. Then they would go home. Yeah. Yeah that would happen.

The two trolls stopped and spoke in their native tongue. Usually Dave found the troll's language to be interesting, cute even, but now it was just terrifying and it served as a reminder that he really needed to learn Alternian. Seriously, it's been ten years since trolls came into his life! He's dating one, his sister-in-law is one, he really had to step his game up. Maybe after he got set free?

A door creaked open loudly and Dave was suddenly being dragged some more. The air felt cold and smelled like death. Disgusting, rotting bodies. He gagged and earned himself yet another kick to the ribs. They stopped again. Hands grabbed Dave by his underarms and he was being half thrown half shoved down and farther into an unknown room. The rag that had been covering his eyes was yanked off so he could properly see, not like he really wanted to. The unsightly faces of the other two trolls were so close to him he nearly asked for them to blind him again. One of them, a golden blooded troll judging by the color of her eyes, spoke and jabbed Dave hard in the chest. He did nothing, afraid he'd probably get stabbed instead of kicked this time.

The other troll, a gigantic bronze blooded chick with muscles bigger than Dave's head, stood from her crouching position and walked to the very end of the room. Dave's eyes followed her but they wandered to the many dark stains on the floor and walls. He grimaced, already knowing where those stains had come from and what they were. The buff troll lady came back with a malicious smile on her gross face. She was holding chains.

"No. No no no. You are not chaining me up. Don't do that." The golden blooded troll yelled something and gave Dave a nice slap the face. He should've guessed he'd get that if he yelled at an alien in an alien language. As guessed he was chained up. Arms and legs were now completely immobile thanks to the too tight metal or iron or whatever kind of chains around them. The two trolls spoke to one another (most likely about how pathetic Dave looked right about now), shared a laugh and walked out, leaving Dave alone in the cold room that reeked of death.

He really should've used his time powers.


"Where is he?? Fuck where is he?" Karkay hissed out to himself in English. He was acting stupid. Not much else to say other than that. "God fucking dammit. Fuck, shit, fuck." He threw open his closet doors and began tearing everything out. He was expecting Dave to pop out and yell gotcha! but no such luck. He knew where Dave was and he knew that every second he spent not running there was a second closer to him getting hurt, but a small sliver of hope told him maybe Dave was still around, or maybe it was the voice of ultimate dread and acceptance realizing it was too late.

"Dave, Dave please come out. Come on..." He ran to his recuperacoon and poked his head in. He was really grasping at straws now. Why would Dave even be in there?

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