==> What Happens In This Drive Way Will Change The Trajectory Of Our Lives

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It was a dark and dreary room, weirdly monochromatic except for the pool of bright red blood around Karkat. Looking around he saw blood splatters everywhere, at least that's what he thought they were considering they were in grayscale too. Why couldn't he see the color? What the fuck was this? The stench of death filled his nostrils every time he tried to inhale so he switched to raspy mouth breathing. This didn't help, now he could taste death and it was super gross. She banged on the door and the sound reverberated in his skull, worsening his headache. Why was she doing this? To torture him? Drive him mad? Who fucking knew. Karkat was confused and hungry and scared and wanted out.

His stomach growled loudly as pain stung his gut. The lack of food was starting to get to him. His stomach was still unhealthily small even though he had spent a few months back in domestic living  eating three, sometimes four, meals a day. He hadn't eaten in four days and he was already feeling his stomach eating itself. God, he just wished a horrorterror would pity him and finally end his miserable life. It was his time, he just knew it. He had to go now, he had done everything he could for the Empire. He needed to go.

"Karkat? You good in there?" He blinked and snapped back into reality. Karkat was standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom, he wasn't in a stone cold dungeon, he wasn't starving to death or bleeding. It was all in his mind. He took another second to process what the hell just happened before he went to splash some water on his face. This had been happening a little more often than Karkat was comfortable with. Sometimes his thinkpan was too quiet or sometimes it just happened, but it always ended up trudging into the deep dark crevices and pulling out the full body feeling of panic. It was terrible and inconvenient and something Karkat was pretty sure he had to go to therapy to fix. Obviously along with everything else but Karkat kind of hoped he could just deal with all that without having to go through it all again with some new guy.

Breathing in deeply, he nodded to himself in the mirror and stepped out the bathroom.

"Hi. Hey. Are you okay?" Dave was looking Karkat over, his hands were awkwardly extended as if he was going to grab Karkat but stopped himself before he could. "Not to be a gross little pervert or anythin' but, uh, you were in there for a while. I heard the faucet run and run and..." Dave cleared his throat. "Ya know, water isn't cheap, heh."

"Yeah. I'm fine. Just zoned out in front of the mirror."

"Ah, I see you get lost in your own eyes as well." Dave grinned as Karkat walked away, rolling his eyes and groaning. "Seriously though man, the other day when you just stood in the kitchen for like twenty minutes, plus last week when you were so zoned out you didn't hear my absolutely wonderful take on why we need to start creating more buildings that look like huge pieces of furniture, now today? I'm gonna book you an appointment with a therapist."

"I do NOT want to let Rose analyze me like I'm some kind of fucked up looking creature." The two made their way to the living room, Karkat sitting on the couch in a huff while Dave floated in the air in front of him, legs crossed.

"Well fortunately for you Rose is not qualified to study you in the way I want you to be studied. You'll probably get some old guy with a weird sort of posh accent. He'll probably be British even though the UK doesn't exist on this planet but nature always finds a way to bring those sons of guns back. You'll be in his gross smelling office and he'll have this fancy old chaise lounge chair, the kind that's made outta good leather so it's not gross and crackly but still looks old. It's comfy too so you get to lay down as you two chill out in there and continue your healing process. He'll be ready to go with his pen and paper and half moon glasses all perched on his nose, ready to be your video game guide to the end goal of living life a little easier."

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