==> Welcome Back To Fucking Hell, Dipshit

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Karkat didn't know how long he was out but he knew his body hurt like hell. There was a sharp pain on his left side and a throbbing one on his chest and his head. Groaning, he finally opened his eyes to the blinding sunlight. It took him a moment but he was eventually able to look around without squinting or shielding his eyes. One more second on the ground to gather his strength and he was pushing himself off the somewhat muddy ground. He stretched, his back cracking and popping as he did, and he finally took a good look at his surroundings.

Trees. It was all trees. Giant trees with so many leaves overlapping one another it created a roof that provided pretty great protections from the sunlight, although some sun spots still poked through. These trees were darker than normal, deep black bark and purple leaves. Karkat blinked, staring up leaves above him. Curiosity got the best of him and he slowly stuck his hand out to one of the rays of sunlight poking through. It didn't even take a second for him to yank his hand away.

It burned him.

His body froze. All he could do was stare at the suddenly appearing red mark on his gray skin. He couldn't believe. Karkat let out a breathless laugh, tears prickling at his eyes. It actually fucking worked. He was on Beforus.

"Oh my god..." He laughed and wiped the tears now spilling from his eyes. He couldn't believe it. Slowly, he took a step forward, paused and look around, before starting to walk. He didn't know where he was nor did he know where he was going but he hoped it was towards civilization. As he marched through the thick mystery forest Karkat heard some pretty threatening sounds, he spent no time in taking his sickles out. For hours that's how he walked, weapons ready and tense at every sound, absolutely ready to pounce at the very first sign of a threat. Adrenaline consumed his every movement and it was an exhilarating experience. Eventually the sunlight began growing dimmer and dimmer as the sky faded into a pinkish-purplish color. Soon after the sky began to turn did he stumble upon a wonderfully familiar place. The entrance to the village that surrounded the Empress' palace.

Laughing to himself, Karkat broke out into a sprint. He sped towards the front gates, completely forgetting about the guards and nearly got speared down. A big buff bronze blooded lady stopped him and eyed him over. Karkat stared right back at her, for a moment completely forgetting what he now was to these people.

"Are you from another village or a traveler?" She peered down at him suspiciously, gripping her spear. "What do you want in the Palace Town? State your business or be denied."

"What do you mean what business?" Karkat said in English. The trolls looked at each other then at him and they didn't look too happy. It took him a second before he realized he just spoke in a strange alien tongue, of course they'd get hostile. "What do you mean state my business?" He said again, in the correct language this time. That didn't seem to appease them. "I live here. I'm the fucking Peacekeeper. I... actually I'm pretty sure I trained you assholes." Karkat tilted his head as he studied their faces trying to remember, completely oblivious to the fact that the other trolls were starting to get really upset.

"You dare try and lie to use?! Your foolishness will get you killed today, vermin."

"Vermin?" Karkat glared at them, flashing his teeth. "Do you know who the fuck you're talking to?" He growled, readying his weapons.

"You dare try and convince us of this garbage lie again? We are no fools. You are no Peacekeeper." What?? How could they not recognize him? Well...actually Karkat didn't look sickly and dead anymore, his hair was a little longer, he was a little thicker, and he wasn't wearing an assload of uncomfortably heavy armor. Looks like this situation was Karkat's fault, he got carried away and forgot that this wasn't just another day in Beforus. This was going back to square one with some advanced level techniques up his sleeves.

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