She opened the cabinet under the sink for Judith and RJ and the cabinet across from them under the island for Cassie and Carl to hid in. The kids crawled into there respective places before she shut the doors and hurried out onto the balcony.

Cassie placed her finger on her lips, telling her brother to be very quiet when a loud the door echoed through the apartment before it opened and footsteps were heard.

"It's empty." A woman's voice said. "Just like the other one. Are you sure he didn't say anything else?"

"Dixon was the only name that care through. Didn't specify which one though." A man replied before it got quiet again.

"Let's check the school." The woman says after a few minutes of silence.

The footsteps retreated and the door slammed shut, cussing Carol to come back inside and told the kids to gather up a few of their things. Cassie gathered up a few important things of hers and Carl's before swing her backpack over her shoulders and head back to the others.

She grabbed Carl's hand as her aunt spoke. "We're just gonna have a little adventure today."

They all stiffen when footsteps came close to their door and a knock followed. Jerry's voice came through and Carol opened the door to reveal Jerry, Negan, and Alice with Edith and Gracie.

"Mr. Negan!" Cassie said, hurrying over to the man and hugged him.

"Hey, Sid." Negan smiled, hugging the little girl back. He looked at Carol. "Turns out you might've right, probably should've stayed in the goddamned cabin."

Carol asked the kids to stay in the bedroom and wait while the adults talked. Carol, Negan, and Alice sat down at the table and the man started talking.

"Hornsby tried to scare Maggie by interrogating Hershel, that Sally woman protected him from the asshole. He thought he could use the kids to draw our people out. And that Sally woman gave me this." He pulled out a note. "Said to have it to you."

Carol grabbed the note and read it, her face morphed into shock as she gave the note to Alice, who didn't look as shock as she was. "N-No way. This can' true."

"It is." Negan said, nodding. "She's working on the inside to help us. Says Commonwealth isn't what they say they are, instead they were apart of a much larger group."

"The CRM." Alice pipped in.

Carol frowned. "Who's the CRM?"

Alice explained everything that happened over two years ago, no more lying. "I don't know a lot about them, but I know that Matilda and Rick were found and taken to their fortified city in Philly. That's where Max and Cassie disappeared to, I took them to see Tilly and Rick. They were supposed to come back, but Tilly said there a change of plans."

"What were plans?" Carol asked, still not comprehending that Sally was Matilda.

"Tilly wouldn't tell us, but I assume it was about the CRM. Said it was too dangerous to tell anyone, if it gets out to the wrong people." Alice explained as she placed her hand on her swollen stomach. "I think their plan was/is to take down the CRM, or at least make people who live in the Republic turn on whoever's their leader."

"That makes sense. Gather as much people who are willing to take down their leader and have a riot. Matilda and Rick are more then capable of during that. They're hell are sure natural born leaders." Negan says.

"Does anyone else knows about her or this?" Carol asked, looking at Alice, then to Negan.

"No, Max, Cassie, and I promise not to tell anyone the truth, unless it's absolutely necessary. I made up that false story." Alice replied, feeling a bit guilty.

"The only people I know who know Sally being Matilda, are Maggie, Jerry, you, Ally, and me." The man answered, across his arms over his chest. "I think Maggie figured it out. And Matilda told me before I came here."

Alice leaned forwards, setting her arms on the table. "I think Max is suspicious of her. Told me that he caught her talking in a walkie talkie a couple of times."

"Who is she talking to?" Negan asked.

"My guess is either Rick or someone from inside the CRM who is on her side." The redhead says. "Unless they did what they said they were going to do, then it would be Rick. And there's one more thing. I know where Michonne is."

Carol snapped her head to her. "What do you mean?"

"I had a map that showed Tilly and Rick's location. It wasn't their exact location, but I told Michonne where to find them. I assuming that's where she is. Matilda could also be communicating with her." Alice revealed.

Carol looked at her, incredulously. "Why didn't you tell us?"

"Because I didn't want you or Daryl to go looking for them. You two were needsd here. I knew if Michonne found them, she would help them with whatever they're doing." Alice answered and Carol could see she was telling the truth. The redhead went to back to the problem on hand. "So what do we do? Those people that broke in our apartments are going to come back."

"If Hornsby sent those two, he's keeping it under the radar. Which means we might be able to get of them, and him. Did Tilly say anything about her plan?" She receive a 'no' from Negan before turning to Jerry. "Jerry, do you still have access to that attic space?"

"Yes, ma'am. Stocked with supplies, like you asked." Jerry answered from where he was keeping a lookout at the door.

"Keep the kids there, and get word to the others. Tell them to be ready to move on your signal."

Jerry nodded. "I'll start the chain."


Jerry lead the seven kids through the crowd of protester, as they all seemed to scatter after someone for the Governor's side said something and Troopers started to close off some the other sections of roads.

He glanced behind them and saw the man from behind following them. He looked at one of the protesters. "Little help. I got a tail." He looked at the kids. "Keep up with me, okay? We're gonna need to motor."

Cassie grabbed Carl's hand as they all took off running through the crowd. They made they way out of the crowd and behind a set of apartments, hurrying over to the fire escape and climbed up it. All the kids huddled together on the second flight of stairs. She held her brother as the man stopped at the bottom of the platform, looking around before walking away.

A window above them open and woman stick her head out, looking down at them. "Hello there." Jerry says. "Small favor, please."

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