"Sad," Namjoon said, but I knew he didn't give a fuck. "Why were you in the airport in Finland?"

She didn't answer. Instead, she just checked her nails.

"Hera, what you tell me could be the difference between a painfully slow death, or a quick one. One where you could be with your son, again," Namjoon told her.

"So my options are death or death? Fuck you and fuck my son. I wanted to get him out of this life before, and he told me he could handle it. Now he's . . ."

"Now he's in pieces somewhere in the Han River." Namjoon smirked. "I'll take credit for putting him there."

"You are all so damn proud of yourselves. A bunch of murderers, liars, thieves, and cheats." She frowned. "Your women hate you, you know. They hate you, and they hate what you do. They don't want this life. They wanted the money and the fame, but they didn't want the drugs, blood, and the horror."

Namjoon grinned, looking evil. "You don't know my wife. If you did, you wouldn't be so quick to speak. And you sure as hell don't know the Boss. So sweetheart, tell me what I need to know and we can move on?"

She leaned in. "Fuck y—"

Rising from his seat, Namjoon walked around the table until he was right in front of her face. Hera did her best not to look like she was going to piss in her pants, but she failed.

"Do your worst. But believe me, Jihun has done worse."

Namjoon grinned, holding a knife to the side of her face. "Everything he did was healable. After all, in the end, all you have is your looks. Imagine what Jihun will think when he sees his favorite toy cut and sewn back together like Frankenstein. My stitches aren't that great with live patients."

"What could you possibly need to know, huh?" she yelled. "We went to Finland to hide. Jaemin fucked up. Jihun spent months, if not years working on different ways to raid this fucking place. He had everything planned to a T, even the day. But Jaemin couldn't wait. He didn't want to listen, and because of that, he was killed. Is that what you want to hear? Or do you want to know that Jihun is losing his mind? Jaemin was the last straw. Jihun killed one of his brothers because he thought he had betrayed him. The other brother is in the wind. Everything is fucked. He's going to know you have me, and he's going to hide again."

Namjoon turned to me and smirked. It was almost sad how quickly she talked.

"You were in the airport. He'll just think you abandoned him." Namjoon ran the knife against her cheek.

"I would never leave him," she whispered. "He knows that. He knows that no matter how many times I say I'm leaving, I always come back."

"You're a fool. He doesn't love you, and because of that you will die alone," was all Namjoon said before he slit her throat, her body stilled for one moment before falling to the ground.

"Have every flight in and out of Finland monitored," I said before leaving. It was getting late, and I was going to miss my favorite moment of the evening.

I tried not to run, but this was the only spec of hope I would have all day. It was what got me through the day. Rushing into our bedroom, I smiled when I saw the bed was empty. I entered the bathroom, and smiled at the sight of my Y/N bathing herself.

It was only four days ago she had found the will to bathe herself at all. It was a small step, but it was something. Taking a seat by the foot of the tub, I just watched her.

"Would you like me to do your back?" I whispered, and she froze like she hadn't realized I was in the room with her.

She looked up at me through her hair and handed me the loofah. It was another small step. She was on her road back. As she leaned on my free arm, I felt my heart leap. Slowly I rubbed her back, and smiled because I had hope; the dark nights were ending.


Day 23

"So I have a confession to make," Jin said pacing in front of me.

Great another one, I thought as I cut into my steak.

"Taehyung wanted me to take this to my grave, but you won't speak. We've tried everything so maybe you will be so pissed at him and me that you will snap out of it." He stopped and looked me dead in the eyes, but I just ate slowly.

"I shot Taehyung because he asked me to." He waited for me to react, but I couldn't muster the emotion.

The Barbarous Us-KTH FF (Book I)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt