"How are you feeling?" Evelyn said, literally sounding like a bird from a Disney movie, before taking a seat beside me.

I'm tired, hungry, or annoyed every ten minutes. I spent the first weeks puking in Ari's bathroom just to hide it from Taehyung, and now you're treating me like I'm an infant.

"I'm fine, Evelyn," I said coldly, sitting up.

"Cut the bullshit, Y/N. I'm serious, I get that you want to remain 'Boss,' but you're also about to be a mother. That supersedes anything else. So drop the act and speak to me as if I were Taehyung." If I spoke to her like I spoke to Taehyung, I would lose it.

"I shouldn't be pregnant, Evelyn. I did everything but take my uterus out not to become pregnant. Yet here I am. This kid is taking all my energy, and I'm tired all the damn time," I said, leaning against the pillows.

Damn him and his fucking stamina.

"You're still in your first trimester. Fatigue is normal. Give it three more weeks, and it will fade." She smiled, taking my hand into hers. "Y/N, you don't understand how happy this makes me. How happy this has made our whole family. I'm going to be a grandmamma."

"Yeah," I said with no emotion, because I wasn't excited.

"You don't want a child?" I could tell she was trying not to judge me, but I could see the worry in her eyes.

"I kill people, Evelyn. It's part of the job, and have no regrets about it because I'm good. I'm one of the best there ever was. History will put me right up there with Al Capone and Charles "Lucky" Luciano. I'll be the second woman on that list next to Xie Caiping. That was my baby. That's the kid I've been taking care of for the last seven and a half years. I don't know how to take care of that child, while taking care of this one."

There, I said it. I took a deep breath as Evelyn processed.

"You do know the reason for family right?" She smiled. "You are good at delegating everything but your power."

"That's because power shouldn't be delegated." It's what made me stronger. Why share that? I was already splitting half of it with Taehyung.

"Maybe not. Maybe you could do it all by yourself. The only downside would be losing your mind, Taehyung's heart, or your child." I don't know why my hand went to my stomach but the smirk on her face annoyed me. I had Saige and Jaemin already aiming for its life.

"I don't have to tell you to be yourself. But do use us if needed. Taehyung realizes he needs you, and I doubt he would side-step you. Do less, but when you do something, make it lasting. Leave a mark. Your men and the rest of the world will see you as you are—Bloody Min." She winked at me as Taehyung walked in. He looked confused and slightly worried. I guess he thought if I was talking to his mother, something had to be wrong.

"I will leave you and the Mad Hatter alone, for now." She gave me a small hug, which I didn't return. I was not a hugger, but I patted her on the back.

"Darling." Evelyn hugged him and smirked at the smoothie in his hands. "That's a small cup.

"What?" Taehyung replied, looking at it. Evelyn winked at me before leaving, even though I had no idea what it meant.

"Are you all right?" he asked, handing me the smoothie.

I rolled my eyes, slurping down the drink. "I can't have alcohol. How would you feel? And this is a small cup."

"Touché." He laughed, falling next me. He had this annoying new habit of rubbing my stomach as if it were a fucking crystal ball. It seemed to make him happy, so I didn't say a word. Someone should be excited for this kid.

"What did the commissioner have to say?" I asked, shaking my drink—stupid fruit kept getting stuck at the bottom.

"We ruined his life, we killed his men, we are evil . . . same old, same old." He sighed. "I didn't get anything new out of him."

"Please tell me you ended him then. I'm done with the Seoul PD." If not, I can always go back to the hospital myself.

"It's done. He died painfully and slowly. Suho stayed behind to make sure." He kissed my stomach before looking to me.

"This other fucker, how far up the chain is he?" The closer the guy was to the boss, the harder it was to make him talk.

The Barbarous Us-KTH FF (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now