5 (Love and care)

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"Look at me! I can do this!" Lisa said and then made faces which caused Jennie and Hoseok to laugh out loud. Jin as well giggled and put his palm on his face.
"He is sweet!" Jisoo said looking at Jin from the kitchen.
"He is! And also caring." Jisoo turned to Rose.
"Lisa told me he was looking at the door which was showing Jungkook's shadow. The one which has little holes." Jisoo looked at Jin who was smiling and speaking with others.

"Ahhh he is so caring then. Believe me Jungkook needs someone to take care of him like this! He is living shit and doesn't accept it." She said and went inside and sat on a chair. Rose who was making dinner sighed. Putting the spatula down she went to her sister.
"Maybe it is not bad that he is here." Jisoo ate some grapes.
"Maybe! But we don't know if he really is Jungkook's son. Moreover Jungkook is not capable of even taking care of himself. Giving the responsibility of a teenager.....I doubt it will come out good. I even don't think he accepts this responsibility." Rose nodded.

"I wonder why Jimin has hidden this important matter? If he really is Jungkook's son he had the right to know about him!"
"It is obvious! Cause our brother is an asshole. A fuck boy that just thinks with his dick not his brain! How could he be like this having an angel like Jimin?" Rose sighed.
"Well.....Namjoon's right though! Jisoo we must make Jungkook ready for everything. We both have kids and you know how crazy they get when they are teenager. Jin here is cute but also I can sense he is hard to handle." Jisoo clicked her tongue.

"I wonder how he has managed to come here. What is Jimin doing now?"
"You're right! Shouldn't we find his whereabouts and tell him?" Jisoo groaned.
"Ahhh! I don't know. But I don't think things will be better if he comes but more complicated. We at first must find if he really is Jungkook's son." Rose nodded.
"Yes you're right! Dad said tomorrow they are going for the DNA test. So.....typically in two weeks we will find if he is Jungkook's son! But Jisoo if he really is....Jungkook's fucked up!" Jisoo sighed.

"It is a good lesson for him though! Eventhough this child here doesn't deserve this but.....what can we do? We must tell him he has to be mature."
"Jungkook being mature? Are you kidding me?"
"Mom!" Rose raised her head. She smiled as saw Jin along with Lisa.

"What is this baby?"
"Jin wants something to eat! He also wants more of that cake."
"You're hungry sweetheart?" Jisoo asked him. He smiled and nodded.
"Yes! And that cake.....it was delicious." Jisoo chuckled.
"The dinner's not ready but I can give you some cake." He looked at Rose and then lowered his head.
"Then.....then....can I have a sandwich?"

Jungkook pov

I closed my eyes and hugged myself.
"Atleast let me in the garden! It is fucking cold." I started jumping maybe it helps me to warm up.
"I still cannot believe my dad, my own dad got a stranger's side. Just cause of that little witch." I looked at the door. I started banging and kicking on the door.
"OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR! Ahhhh open th-" I looked down as saw a tray coming from under the door. I laughed and shook my head.

"So you remember me? At least I haven't been forgotten?" I took the tray. There was a sandwich along with a piece of cake and a glass of orange juice.
"Jennie is it you?" I said and took a bite.
"I know it's you! Those two are the cruel ones but you love uncle Kookie."

Suho pov

I came downstairs as heard Jungkook's bangings.
"This child! What did I do raising him?"
"Dad! Please he is wrong-"
"Jisoo goaway or else tomorrow you must attend Jungkook's funeral!" She bit her bottom lip and stepped away.

I went toward the door and was about to yell but got surprised as saw Seokjin there.
"What is he doing there?"

"So you remember me? At least I haven't been forgotten?" It was Jungkook. Jin went and hid behind the wall.
"Jennie is it you?" Jungkook said. 
"I know it's you! Those two are the cruel ones but you love uncle Kookie." He said his voice like he is munching something.
"Ahhh I was hella hungry! Does he even think what if I die? No no no! My dad is completely my enemy! You saw he sold me over a little witch who is using some truth that he knows to take his appa's revenege." Jin lowered his head and pouted. I shook my head and went there.

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