4 (Spot)

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Author pov

Jisoo and Rose couldn't believe what their dad had told them! They were confused looking at Jin who was sitting beside Suho hidding behind his back looking at them sometimes.
"Dad.....I just wanna be sure....so what you said means this boy here.....this boy who is sitting beside you is Jimin's son? Jungkook's ex!" Rose said. Suho sighed.
"Not sure but it'll be confirmed after the DNA test! But the things he says and has showed says he is Jimin's son."
"You are like my mom!" Jennie said and went and sat beside Jin who pouted and lowered his head.

"So.....it means Jimin was pregnant with him when he left? And didn't tell anything to Jungkook?" Jisoo asked and went a chair near to her dad.
"He is like uncle Kookie mom and uncle Kookie are so much alike ! But he has plump lips like mom." Hoseok said and chuckled.
"He is cute! Look his eyes are like uncle Kookie!" Lisa said and giggled.

"So Jungkook always had a son while he was fucking -"
"First of all I do not fuck around!" Jungkook said coming to the livingroom and took an apple and took a bite.
"Kids are here!" Jisoo said angrily.
"Tell your sis!" Jungkook said and sat on the edge of the sofa.
"And the second one! I do not ha-"
"I am your son!" Jin cut Jungkook and looked at him with pouted lips and tightened brows.

"Wow! Seems you have a big mouth when it comes arguing with me."
"It is not my fault! My appa has taught me to stand for myself when others are bullying me-"
"WHAT?" Jin looked into Jungkook's eyes recklessly.
"Not just bullying but saying lies! My appa never lies an-"
"If you are this much fond of your appa go on why don't you leave? Take those 100 luggage of you-"
"They are just 11 luggage!"
"No difference! Take your damn luggage and leave cause I already hate seeing you here and there and hearing your voice!" Jin chuckled.

"Wow! What a mutual feeling!" Jungkook closed his eyes and greeted his teeth.
"I am trying my best not to hurt you-"
"The hell I let you!" He opened his eyes and looked at Suho.
"Dad! Just see the way he speaks. He can go where the hell he has came from! You know what he has came here cause his appa has told him to fuck my mind-"
"Kids are here!"

"As if they do not know what they mean! Your son has a boy friend already!"
"Hoseok!" Hoseok swallowed.
"We've just figuring things out-"
"Figuring things out? You're following your uncle's steps?" Jisoo said and shook her head.
"Jisoo!" Jungkook said with widened eyes.
"Auntie I told him not to start dating with that guy! He is kinda like uncle Kookie you know!" Lisa said and smiled but her smiled faded as saw how Jungkook was looking at her.

"Ummm....Jennie did I show you my new phot-"
"And what do you mean by 'he is kinda like uncle Kookie' Lisa?" Jungkook asked mocking Lisa's tone. Lisa swallowed.
"I meant.....I meant.....cool and with lots of....fans an-"
"She meant a fuck boy who cannot take responsinility of his own son!" Jin said with a smile and looked at Jungkook.
"Now you understand her?" He asked with a tight lip smile. Jungkook narrowed his eyes and breathed deeply!

"That's it! You are going to leave!" He said and went to Jin and grabbed his wrist.
"I will but after showing you I am your son!"
"We will see that tomorrow! Till then the street is very welcome to y-"
"You are very welcome to the street!" Suho said and took Jin's hand from Jungkook's. Jungkook looked at him disbeliefe.

"Dad!" Suho tightened his brows and looked at him angry. Eventhough he knew Jin had crossed the lines but he could find anger from Jin's words toward Jungkook. It was like he didn't expect this behaviour and now the child was shocked. Moreover even if he wasn't his grandson he couldn't see him in the street. Also he was Jimin's son! The sweetheart who his son broke his heart badly!

"Your car keys and go out!"
"You are kid-"
"Car keys and out! You are banned to go to the hotel." Jungkook laughed.
"Yeah -"
"You can test it! They won't let you in!"

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